KTA Ad Hoc Committee who created the new forms


Senior Master
We all hear about the “committee” that approved the poomse but who really designed them? I have talked with committee members and they did not design them, they admit that. History often obscures the workers not the leaders. That sir is a whole other topic and belongs when we get to the end of this chain of thought.

Which committee members did you talk to? The committee who worked on the forms were also the ones who approved them. In 1967-68, the Palgwae and Yudanja poomsae were created by having each committee member create two or three forms on their own. The committee then got together and chose the best ones. In 1972, the committee got back together with three additional members and they worked together to create Koryo 2 and the Taeguek poomsae. There was no separate committee that "approved" of the new poomsae. Again, which committee members did you speak with?
Who was the original committee members?

A Google search found this, quoted by Master Cole in another forum:

"The KTA Poomse Committee was formed in 1965 and it took two years to create the new forms. On November 30, 1967, the KTA began educating Taekwondo practitioners on the new forms. It was very difficult in the beginning, but gradually the new forms were spread. The KTA Poomse Committee was composed of the following members: KWAK Kun Sik (Chung Do Kwan and also a Captain at the Korean Military Academy), LEE Yong Sup (Song Moo Kwan), LEE Kyo Yun (Han Moo Kwan), PARK Hae Man (Chung Do Kwan), HYUN Jong Myun (Oh Do Kwan), and KIM Soon Bae (Chang Moo Kwan).

By 1967, the Palgwe forms and Yudanja (Black Belt forms Koryo through Ilyo) were created, totalling 17 poomse.

Later (1971), the Taeguek forms were created, and BAE Young Ki (Jidokwan) and HAN Yong Tae (Moo Duk Kwan) assisted the original committee members, with LEE Chong Woo supervising the efforts of the Committee. The Taeguek poomse were finalized and revised by PARK Hae Man at the Chung Do Kwan dojang in Yong San over the course of 4 days. These revisions were later confirmed. The late IM Chang Soo (who's daughter has a dojang in Michigan,USA) was the Administrative Assistant to GM Park during the Taeguek forms revisions" From the book :A Contemporary History of Taekwondo"
That came from the Modern History book, from one of the later chapters that wasn't completely translated.

I was just quoting from a post I found elsewhere on t' interwebz...

Are you planning on completing the translation of the Modern History book? I for one would definitely be interested in reading more content from that book (and my Korean is far from ready to be start picking it up myself).
Are you planning on completing the translation of the Modern History book?

No, not really. It was a lot of work doing the sections that we did. Plus I lost my two good translators to the US Army, one of whom is now a major in Afghanistan. That student started with me as a white belt when he was 13 or 14 and is now a 4th Dan. The other student left the US Army as a Captain and now lives in Seoul doing essentially the same work that he was doing when he was serving. He is also a 4th Dan. I have other Korean born students but they came to the US when they were young and it is difficult for them to read and translate. We tried but they are unmotivated and I just let it go.
The late IM Chang Soo (who's daughter has a dojang in Michigan,USA) was the Administrative Assistant to GM Park during the Taeguek forms revisions"

MSUTKD for whatever reason never answered the question about which committee members he spoke to. But if I had to take an educated guess, I would say that it was perhaps GM Lim, who was assistant to GM Park during the finalization of the Taeguek poomsae. GM Lim and MSUTKD are from the same state, Michigan. GM Lim, who was a Chang Moo Kwan member, was however not a member of the KTA Ad Hoc Committee which created the forms; the Chang Moo Kwan representative was GM KIM Soon Bae, who is the current Chang Moo Kwan Jang.
MSUTKD for whatever reason never answered the question about which committee members he spoke to. But if I had to take an educated guess, I would say that it was perhaps GM Lim, who was assistant to GM Park during the finalization of the Taeguek poomsae. GM Lim and MSUTKD are from the same state, Michigan. GM Lim, who was a Chang Moo Kwan member, was however not a member of the KTA Ad Hoc Committee which created the forms; the Chang Moo Kwan representative was GM KIM Soon Bae, who is the current Chang Moo Kwan Jang.

Bzzzzzzzzzz. Wrong. But thanks for playing. :). Master Lim was a really great man and he is missed.
Bzzzzzzzzzz. Wrong. But thanks for playing. :). Master Lim was a really great man and he is missed.

Why are we or you playing games in the first place? Wouldn't it be easier and more informative to MT readers if you simply answered the question so that the discussion can proceed? Or if you don't wish to answer for whatever reason, just say so.
Why are we or you playing games in the first place? Wouldn't it be easier and more informative to MT readers if you simply answered the question so that the discussion can proceed? Or if you don't wish to answer for whatever reason, just say so.

I do not use names/sources as weapons in trivial debates. I find name dropping to be a sign of weakness and using them without their knowledge as a breach of trust. I have no reason to lie to you nor do I believe that you are a liar at all.
I do not use names/sources as weapons in trivial debates. I find name dropping to be a sign of weakness and using them without their knowledge as a breach of trust.

What about Steven Capener? You dropped his name. I don't consider citing to authorities to be a breach of trust at all, unless they specifically tell me not to say something. But for the most part the people that I have spoken to want the information and the truth to be out there. They understand that there is a lot of misconception and misunderstanding out there and they want it cleared up. If they didn't, they wouldn't have said anything to me in the first place.
What about Steven Capener? You dropped his name. I don't consider citing to authorities to be a breach of trust at all, unless they specifically tell me not to say something. But for the most part the people that I have spoken to want the information and the truth to be out there. They understand that there is a lot of misconception and misunderstanding out there and they want it cleared up. If they didn't, they wouldn't have said anything to me in the first place.

I did not name drop, I said I would contact him about his paper and I did.
Ron wrote:

"Originally Posted by MSUTKD
We all hear about the “committee” that approved the poomse but who really designed them? I have talked with committee members and they did not design them, they admit that. History often obscures the workers not the leaders. That sir is a whole other topic and belongs when we get to the end of this chain of thought."

Which committee members told you this? When, where?

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