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Windmill Guard: an equivielent in EPAK?
By jjpregler - Fri, 07 Sep 2007 21:17:53 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
My school is in the middle of a transition. They are changing from a cmbination of Tracy and EPAK to EPAK only. Many techniques I have looked up on the EPAk lists online and found the EPAK equivelant, however, for one technique so far, I have not been able to find an EPAK version: Windmill guard.
It goes as follows:
For a right punch
1. Step with your left foot to 10:30, inward parry with left hand followd by and outward extended block and grab the wqrist with the right hand
2. Front round kick (wheel kick) to midsection.
3> Extensions include landing with the right leg at 5:00 and performing a left leg round kick to the back of the attackeers knee as a leg sweep.
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By jjpregler - Fri, 07 Sep 2007 21:17:53 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
My school is in the middle of a transition. They are changing from a cmbination of Tracy and EPAK to EPAK only. Many techniques I have looked up on the EPAk lists online and found the EPAK equivelant, however, for one technique so far, I have not been able to find an EPAK version: Windmill guard.
It goes as follows:
For a right punch
1. Step with your left foot to 10:30, inward parry with left hand followd by and outward extended block and grab the wqrist with the right hand
2. Front round kick (wheel kick) to midsection.
3> Extensions include landing with the right leg at 5:00 and performing a left leg round kick to the back of the attackeers knee as a leg sweep.
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