KT:What makes a technique good or bad?

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What makes a technique good or bad?
By BJTipton - 02-06-2011 02:43 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


In your opinion, what makes a technique good or bad?

What are the most desirable features of a technique?

Is there one technique that you cannot stand or a couple that separates themselves from all other techniques as being better?

What methods do you use to get the most out of your techniques? I know the standard answer is to practice, but how do you practice?

Do you love Kenpo as much as I do?

Brandon Tipton


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What makes a technique good or bad?

In your opinion, what makes a technique good or bad?
Good .. simplicity and the ability to utilise it under pressure.
Bad ... the opposite.

What are the most desirable features of a technique?
Effectiveness in stopping an attacker.

Is there one technique that you cannot stand or a couple that separates themselves from all other techniques as being better?
Not favoured ... High kicks, (just a jealousy thing really
) but not something I think is practical in a brawling environment. "Blocks" of any description that stop an attack without stopping the attacker.

Favoured ... Open hand techniques that allow the body to remain loose and flexible until the moment of impact, such as rising palm heel to the jaw (teisho ate). Shin kick to the knee (sune geri) because is is very effective, difficult to stop and unlikely to be caught. Elbows because they are easy, quick and devastating.

What methods do you use to get the most out of your techniques? I know the standard answer is to practice, but how do you practice?
Start with kata, vary it to suit the individual, practice the techniques individually then combine them. Try applying them in a close-in environment (grappling range).

Do you love Kenpo as much as I do?
No, but only because it is not my MA. What I have seen of it, it's as good as any other well trained MA. :asian:
You know, I was going to comment but... maybe I will. Back in the days when I was training. There weren't any computers,Videos, fancy DVD's The only thing made available was a HAND KRANKED 35 or 50mm projector BLK & WHITE with a grainey 20sec.film of LEO T.FUNG,for $39.95 plus shipping and handling! Back then, them chinamen's didn't give anything away! and If you wanted to see technics you had to keep going back and forth to the move theathers to remember the moves, which cost a whole lot out of pocket cash!!! if you know what I mean?man! We signed CONTRACT'S back then and the 5 lesson test. Our lesson didn't consider OH! let me see now, do you think if I threw a punch At a 90deg angle it would have more power than if it was at a 60degree angle. when you received you privite lesson you also had too do group classes ! Oh, did I just hear someone say " But I get off of work late, or I'm too tired" as Frank Barrone would tell Ramond "SUCK IT UP NANCY!." On evenings before group class Mr. Gibbons would treat everybody to CHEEZE BURGERS, FRIES, and a MALT, at the corner drug store.if you think that was real nice of Mr. Gibbons? think again!!! better not throw up or purk, if you did that was your A... He would some times make us eat Bannas , Peanut Butter, and Choc bars before group class! Hey, you ready for your belt test, GOLD Belt 15mins sq.horse stance Orange 30mins,Purple 45mins. Blue Belt 60mins.I can go on and on. You the type of student who doesn't belive in wearing a groin proctector? guess again Charlie, Mr.Gibbons thing was to kick everbody in their privates for shear pleasure, or come up behind you and smack you on the side of your head with this plastic base ball bat, belive me that sucker hurt. When you received your private lesson you worked at it till you got it right! After class if you didn't understand what was presented Mr. Gibbons would explained ,there wasn't any of this networking stuff where a student from Calif. to another student In Chattnoogha Tenns. man I just don't get it, can you show me how its done. Back then there were two types of KENPO PRACTIONEERS, Students who would practic the material, and Students who would party all night all night drinking and druging.Remember this one thing Charlie " You can't soar with the EAGLES, if you're out hooting with the OWLS!".

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