KT:What are you working on right now?

Clark Kent

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What are you working on right now?
By BJTipton - 03-22-2011 06:58 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


What area of training are you concentrating on right now?

Right now I am concentrating on getting into the shape I think I should be in. I had been hurt for a while and I couldn't work out like I wanted to...so I fell into the trap of not working much at all. I hate it when that happens, I think it's a lame excuse.

I am doing my cardio and core workouts, and I am having a lot of fun with resistance bands. I really like throwing punches and strikes when using resistance bands. I do them slow to work on form and fast to get the burn. I do all kinds of strikes from all kinds of stances. It really lets you know which muscles you work when you throw strikes.

The techniques I am having fun with right now are Sewing the Seeds, Flowing Hands, and Whirling Blades. You could take months and study any one of those techniques.

My go to Kata is Long 2. I think there is so much in there and you can do it so many different ways.

What are you concentrating on in your Kenpo these days?



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just promoted to a new belt so I'm integrating my new techniques and the beginning of short 3. I'm executing each basic 3 times on each side as a warm up, with a set or form between each. So, all blocks from a horse, then star block set 3 times, then all parries, kick set 3 times, punches, finger set 3 times, etc. Then I go through each technique for a couple belts or each belt, 3 times, slow, medium, medium/or fast, and then the new material. I'll change it up and start on different basics, change up the order, start with foot manuevers for example, or sophisticate basics, right inward block, left outward vertical block (double factor) with a right straight thrust punch to the solar plexus with a left back elbow for example. Or prefix a push drag with a slide up. Little things to explore basics without changing forms, techniques, etc.
Since I am a kenpo newb I am working on:

Foot work for SF1

Delayed Sword
Alternating Maces
Sword of Destruction
Deflecting Hammer
Captured Twigs

Blocking Set 1
Striking Set 1