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The Step Thru or The Cross
By MJS - Fri, 09 May 2008 15:24:25 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
If we look at the way many people are originally told to attack when punching, we see them stepping thru to deliver the punch. In fact , many of the techniques are done off of a step thru punch. My question is: do any of you also train these same techniques off of a cross, where the opponent is not stepping? Do you find that you can still pull off the technique with them not stepping or do you make an adjustment to compensate for this?
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By MJS - Fri, 09 May 2008 15:24:25 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
If we look at the way many people are originally told to attack when punching, we see them stepping thru to deliver the punch. In fact , many of the techniques are done off of a step thru punch. My question is: do any of you also train these same techniques off of a cross, where the opponent is not stepping? Do you find that you can still pull off the technique with them not stepping or do you make an adjustment to compensate for this?
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