KT:Sowing the Seeds

Clark Kent

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Sowing the Seeds
By Rob Broad - Sat, 16 Sep 2006 04:47:55 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


This technique was suggested by Kenpodave. So what is it that everyone likes or dislikes about this technique?


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
s1. Left foot steps to 11:00
s1. Right hooking block horizontally clockwise over top of punch from outside
s1. Left heel claw, CLOCKWISE through back of head, soft left bow to 4:30
2. Left COUNTERCLOCKWISE back fist through face
3. Right heel claw COUNTERCLOCKWISE through face, soft
right bow to 10:30
s4. Shuffle "forward" to 4:30
s4. Left knee buckles opponent&#8217;s right knee from behind
s5. Right back hand to high rib cage at 4:30
s5. Left side fist to back of head at 4:30

The EPAK version:

s1. Left foot to 11:00 (left neutral bow)
s1. Right outward parry converts into a grab to his right wrist
s1. Pivot clockwise into a right close kneel stance
with your left knee striking to the back of his right knee (to cause a buckle)
2. Left inward palm heel strike to the right elbow to break
Allow this strike to pass through and under his arm
With opponent now on his right knee
3. Pivot back counter clockwise
s4. Drop into a left close kneel
(your right knee drops to break to his tibia or ankle)
s4. left back knuckle
(under his arm and through his ribs in an outward fashion)
s4. Right inward palm heel claw ripping through his face
a5. Pivot back into a right close kneel
s5. Right outward back knuckle
s5. Left vertical punch to his ribs or spine
( your right hand is below your left to act as a check against his right arm or kick)
6. Snake your left crane hand around the right side of his neck
7. Pull him into a left knee strike to his spine
(your right hand is checking his right arm or shoulder at this point)
With your left knee still in the air
s8. Plant your left foot back to 9:00 into a right neutral bow
s8. Loop right hand down around in down diagonally across his jaw (hammer fist)
(your left hand has now switched to become a check)
As opponent falls (toward 11:00 or 12:00)
9. Right roundhouse kick to his head or any available opening
10. With your right leg still in the air, right front crossover and double cover out to 9:00

Destructive Kneel would, I think, be the evolution of the technique from the early Kenpo days to the EPAK version. Both techniques are, I "further" think, a study in motion. Sowing the Seeds used to be my favorite right punch defense, because it was circular, expansive, and appeared to be capable of so large a return on investment for energy expended. Both versions are pretty cool... Anatomically correct? Probably, Not really ... Fun? Yup...

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