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Music and Kenpo
By parkerkarate - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:55:24 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
After starting to read the Infinite Insights again I found some things that were very interesting. One of which was when Mr. Parker compared Kenpo to music. In the beggining of the book he discused how letters make up words and words make up sentences. Than he goes on to talk about how notes make up music. He said that a note is an "alphabet of motion." While notes can vary in pitch (high to low or low to high), just like how you use your legs for low targets and arms for high targets. Notes and be either sharp or flat (sharp raise notes one half step and flats lower them one half steps.) He talks about how by using a hand sword, this is using the sharp part of your hand and it would increase the amount of damage. While if you use the back of your hand which is nore flat would lower the amount of damage.
Than he goes on to talk about the duration of the notes (whole note, half note, quater note, eighth note, etc.) He compares this to the timing of moves. You can use long, medium or short range weapons and timing of using these would change accordingly. A long range weapon would be the same as a whole note, a medium range weapon would be the same as a half note, and a short range weapon would be the same as a quater note. If three moves would be put to gether this would equal a chord.
Notes are on a staff and this could be further broken down into bars and bars make up a song. Self denfense wouold be the equivalent of bars.
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By parkerkarate - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:55:24 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
After starting to read the Infinite Insights again I found some things that were very interesting. One of which was when Mr. Parker compared Kenpo to music. In the beggining of the book he discused how letters make up words and words make up sentences. Than he goes on to talk about how notes make up music. He said that a note is an "alphabet of motion." While notes can vary in pitch (high to low or low to high), just like how you use your legs for low targets and arms for high targets. Notes and be either sharp or flat (sharp raise notes one half step and flats lower them one half steps.) He talks about how by using a hand sword, this is using the sharp part of your hand and it would increase the amount of damage. While if you use the back of your hand which is nore flat would lower the amount of damage.
Than he goes on to talk about the duration of the notes (whole note, half note, quater note, eighth note, etc.) He compares this to the timing of moves. You can use long, medium or short range weapons and timing of using these would change accordingly. A long range weapon would be the same as a whole note, a medium range weapon would be the same as a half note, and a short range weapon would be the same as a quater note. If three moves would be put to gether this would equal a chord.
Notes are on a staff and this could be further broken down into bars and bars make up a song. Self denfense wouold be the equivalent of bars.
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