KT:Lone Kimono - Stance Change?

Clark Kent

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Lone Kimono - Stance Change?
By J Ellis - 10-25-2009 11:15 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


How many (if any) use a stance change between the first two moves of Lone Kimono? Specifically, how many use a Forward Bow while transitioning from the upward forearm strike to the elbow to the inward downward diagonal forearm strike to the top corner of the arm/elbow joint?

Hopefully that is clear as mud.


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
I step straight back, towards 6, then transition to a neutral bow as I do the upward strike to the elbow. Sometimes I take another slight adjustment step as I do the inward/downward block to the arm.
When I perform lone kimono i first check his hand ( as we always do)
I step back and try to find a base (forwardbow), then i use the tork created through the change of my forwardbow to my neutralbow to get more power into my strike.
That´s the way i was taught it because when you just step back in your neutralbow i personally think you don´t have enough power to possibly break or hurt his arm.

Salute, Timm
Lone Kimono - Stance Change?
By J Ellis - 10-25-2009 11:15 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk

How many (if any) use a stance change between the first two moves of Lone Kimono? Specifically, how many use a Forward Bow while transitioning from the upward forearm strike to the elbow to the inward downward diagonal forearm strike to the top corner of the arm/elbow joint?

Hopefully that is clear as mud.


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed

Clear as the Mississippi. LOL

Traditionally, the only stance change is from a natural standing position into a right neutral bow.... that is unless you consider the cover out as well. :)

Stepping back extends the attacker's arm, making it more rigid so that you CAN do more damage to the elbow. That's the point. Kenpo's not gentle.

The only time I introduce another stance, is when inserting (per the equation formula.)

Sometimes, between the initial arm break and forearm strike (frictional pull) I will insert a back-knuckle to the attacker's ribs; it flows well for me. At that time I will transition into a forward bow, but I transition right back into a neutral afterwards and that can generate additional tourque for the forearm strike (frictional pull) prior to the sword hand to the throat.

Muddy enough for ya? LOL
I did it exactly the way Celtic describes it (back knuckle and all, LOL). Settling into the neutral bow with the opponent's arm extended has always worked fine for me. There *may have* even been an eye-rake on the way to the intial wrist pin. But it did make me sad if the opponent never got to finish his grab, and couldn't see as I unloaded on him.......

.............or not. :)