KT:4 bow stances

Clark Kent

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4 bow stances
By DavidCC - Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:57:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


I read in II 2 that there are 4 types of bow stance. It went on to say that only 3 were worth discussing and would be included in the book: Neutral, forward, rear... What is the 4th?


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
Reverse Bow,

Ex, in circling wing- after the upward elbow strike to the chin, you continue the upward motion go into a reverse bow as you hit the opponent with a hammer fist to his groin.

As to the point of which are worth discussing, that is someones opinion and we all have that. Explore and find what YOU like and will use.

In discussions I have had, usually it was the rear bow that many students no longer practice. In my area, I still see the the other stances taught and practiced regularly.
4 bow stances
By DavidCC - Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:57:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


I read in II 2 that there are 4 types of bow stance. It went on to say that only 3 were worth discussing and would be included in the book: Neutral, forward, rear... What is the 4th?


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
I believe the book says, "neutral, forward, and reverse." The rear bow comes from advanced applications that are more complex. Mr. Parker utilized it all the time in his own executions and applications. Roll tape! :)
That's a bit of an old thread, wonder why it just got picked up by the bot... but YES later in that thread I did discover that I mis-quoted I.I. as Doc says.

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