KT:Let's visit history a little bit...for context

Clark Kent

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Let's visit history a little bit...for context
By Dr. Dave in da house - 07-17-2008 12:23 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Mr. Parker infused kenpo with Choy Lay Fut influences, from Grandmaster Lau Bun, and from one of his students, the imminent Sifu James Wing Woo. Observing footage of some fo the methods of movement can yield insight in to where Mr. Parker developed some of his explosiveness, takes on body momentum, ranges, outer rim, etc.

Here's a clip reminiscent of Prance of the Tiger. Not the tech, but the eliptic movements embedded within the tech, and the thematic application of applying lower carriage movement into the opponents space. If you learned this, then learned to condense your motion into the tighter circles we see in kenpo, might you have bettter power and structure in your circlular strikes thasn if you only ever learned the kenpo circles?




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