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Lessons From the Wood-shop
By Kenpo Gary - Fri, 16 Nov 2007 19:45:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
I said "wood-shop" not "wood-shed" I have learned plenty a lesson in the wood-shed as well. What I have in mind are two slogans that hung on the walls of my high school word working class that I believe are applicable to the art of Kenpo Karate.
The first slogan is, "we learn by doing." This is certainly true of TRACY SYSTEM KENPO with the hundreds of techniques and variations, the many forms and hours of sparring practice. We learn by doing!
Non-Tracy schools could use the slogan, "we learn by analysis", (analysis paralysis I say) OR, "we learn by hypothesis."
I remember can my own instructor's unwillingness to discuss concepts at any length. He said, "stop discussing and hit the man."
The other slogan in the high school wood-shop was, " measure twice, cut once."
Tracy schools recognize that the measurements as to practical effectiveness of its system's techniques have long been accounted for, so there is no need to do further laborious measurements of the same.
Non-Tracy schools regularly measure scrutinize, further analyze the measurements of their techniques. At some point we must stop measuring and go to work, apply what we know works rather than constantly scrutinizing our plan.
Constipated moves (borrowed Ed Parker axiom) begin with indecision that arises from and rethinking most everything. Speed and reaction time come from motor memory acquired by volumes of practice. Measure twice, but not three, four or forty four times!
These are lessons that the Kenpoist can learn from the woodshop!
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By Kenpo Gary - Fri, 16 Nov 2007 19:45:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
I said "wood-shop" not "wood-shed" I have learned plenty a lesson in the wood-shed as well. What I have in mind are two slogans that hung on the walls of my high school word working class that I believe are applicable to the art of Kenpo Karate.
The first slogan is, "we learn by doing." This is certainly true of TRACY SYSTEM KENPO with the hundreds of techniques and variations, the many forms and hours of sparring practice. We learn by doing!
Non-Tracy schools could use the slogan, "we learn by analysis", (analysis paralysis I say) OR, "we learn by hypothesis."
I remember can my own instructor's unwillingness to discuss concepts at any length. He said, "stop discussing and hit the man."
The other slogan in the high school wood-shop was, " measure twice, cut once."
Tracy schools recognize that the measurements as to practical effectiveness of its system's techniques have long been accounted for, so there is no need to do further laborious measurements of the same.
Non-Tracy schools regularly measure scrutinize, further analyze the measurements of their techniques. At some point we must stop measuring and go to work, apply what we know works rather than constantly scrutinizing our plan.
Constipated moves (borrowed Ed Parker axiom) begin with indecision that arises from and rethinking most everything. Speed and reaction time come from motor memory acquired by volumes of practice. Measure twice, but not three, four or forty four times!
These are lessons that the Kenpoist can learn from the woodshop!
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