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Kosho Ryu Kempo Hand Postures
By Kosho Gakkusei - Thu, 12 Apr 2007 14:16:24 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
A discussion on the EPAK forums about closed hand and open hand blocking inspired me to start this one.
I'd like to hear from the rest of you as far as lessons and techniques from the various postures of Kosho Ryu - then I'll put my own two cents in after we hear from some of you.
_Don Flatt
------------------------------------ Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
By Kosho Gakkusei - Thu, 12 Apr 2007 14:16:24 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
A discussion on the EPAK forums about closed hand and open hand blocking inspired me to start this one.
I'd like to hear from the rest of you as far as lessons and techniques from the various postures of Kosho Ryu - then I'll put my own two cents in after we hear from some of you.
_Don Flatt
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