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Kosho Ryu 3/8 Drill - 2 Person Set
By Blackcatbonz - Mon, 16 Oct 2006 21:08:35 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
Here is a breakdown of this excellent drill.
This drill is great for developing hand/eye and foot/eye coordination as well as speed needed for good shintai and tai sabaki.
It is one of the basic drills to teach escaping.
One should keep in mind the movement of a boxer, keep your weight on your toes and push your body in the direction of movement rather than step and bring up the rear leg. This pushing off serves to mask the tell tale signs of movement and direction.
You are standing in the centre of the octagon with your hands in the kigan (ogamite) posture, knees bent, shoulders hunched slightly forward.
Your hands should be up in front of your head......and you should be able to see behind your feet with your peripheral vision; have your training partner walk around you to test this (good time to practice seeing without looking).
So, we have ourselves set up.....what do we do now?
The 3/8 drill means: defending yourself 8 times from 8 angles while you are attacked 8 times from 3 angles.
The solo octagon pattern has you moving to angles 1 thru 8......when advancing you use a clearing motion (moving your hands laterally away from your body which acts as a parry somewhat), when moving rearward your hands move into position as if they were grabbing the attacking arm.
i.e. moving to angle 2 the left leg steps back to 2 with the right leg shuffling back, the left hand moves into a face down position as if grabbing the top of the wrist, the right hand supine as if grabbing the elbow.
Uke always punches to the centre of the octagon.
Uke stands at angle 7 and punches with a right hand, tori steps to angle 1 (clearing motion).
Uke stands at angle 7 and punches with a left, tori moves to angle 2 and grabs arm.
Uke steps to angle 1.
Uke punches with right hand, tori moves to angle 3 (clearing).
Uke punches with left hand, tori moves to angle 4 (clearing).
Uke punches with right hand, tori moves to angle 5 (clearing).
Uke punches with left hand, tori moves to angle 6 and grabs arm.
Uke now steps to angle 5.
Uke punches with left, tori moves to angle 7 (clearing).
Uke punches with right, tori moves to angle 8 and grabs arm.
As a final movement to throw a 9th movement and have uke throw another punch. for the 9th movement drop down into frog position......just as it sounds in the centre of the octagon
One thing to remember.....uke always cocks for the next punch as soon as he misses and he should be trying to clip tori.....there is no point in tori escaping if there is nothing to escape from.
The timing should be similar to that in the animation.
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By Blackcatbonz - Mon, 16 Oct 2006 21:08:35 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
Here is a breakdown of this excellent drill.
This drill is great for developing hand/eye and foot/eye coordination as well as speed needed for good shintai and tai sabaki.
It is one of the basic drills to teach escaping.
One should keep in mind the movement of a boxer, keep your weight on your toes and push your body in the direction of movement rather than step and bring up the rear leg. This pushing off serves to mask the tell tale signs of movement and direction.
You are standing in the centre of the octagon with your hands in the kigan (ogamite) posture, knees bent, shoulders hunched slightly forward.
Your hands should be up in front of your head......and you should be able to see behind your feet with your peripheral vision; have your training partner walk around you to test this (good time to practice seeing without looking).
So, we have ourselves set up.....what do we do now?
The 3/8 drill means: defending yourself 8 times from 8 angles while you are attacked 8 times from 3 angles.
The solo octagon pattern has you moving to angles 1 thru 8......when advancing you use a clearing motion (moving your hands laterally away from your body which acts as a parry somewhat), when moving rearward your hands move into position as if they were grabbing the attacking arm.
i.e. moving to angle 2 the left leg steps back to 2 with the right leg shuffling back, the left hand moves into a face down position as if grabbing the top of the wrist, the right hand supine as if grabbing the elbow.
Uke always punches to the centre of the octagon.

Uke stands at angle 7 and punches with a right hand, tori steps to angle 1 (clearing motion).
Uke stands at angle 7 and punches with a left, tori moves to angle 2 and grabs arm.
Uke steps to angle 1.
Uke punches with right hand, tori moves to angle 3 (clearing).
Uke punches with left hand, tori moves to angle 4 (clearing).
Uke punches with right hand, tori moves to angle 5 (clearing).
Uke punches with left hand, tori moves to angle 6 and grabs arm.
Uke now steps to angle 5.
Uke punches with left, tori moves to angle 7 (clearing).
Uke punches with right, tori moves to angle 8 and grabs arm.
As a final movement to throw a 9th movement and have uke throw another punch. for the 9th movement drop down into frog position......just as it sounds in the centre of the octagon
One thing to remember.....uke always cocks for the next punch as soon as he misses and he should be trying to clip tori.....there is no point in tori escaping if there is nothing to escape from.
The timing should be similar to that in the animation.
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