KT:Kenpo Needs a Single Leader a Head of Kenpo

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Kenpo Needs a Single Leader a Head of Kenpo
By Steve W Spry - 07-20-2011 10:24 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


TheFamily Feud of Kenpo


If someone has to be constantly be reminded that there a family is very creepy to me. How is anyone like Family in kenpo today? We are lucky to be third cousins if that or foster children are more likely. How does this happen are we all the sudden the Walton's Family (Night John Boy)? Not in any stretch of anyones imagination. I feel more as guests on The Family Feud or the Jerry Springier Show. Charles Manson had his Family of followers.

My real family that I was raised in, I mean I'm in the processes of recovering from. If any new organizations, groups, clubs, are association is refereeing themselves as family and I'm being considered to be a part of NO THANKS! Been There DoneThat!


I could not bear another family with my family qualities. I have not recovered from that roller costar ride real deal yet, and I&#8217;m quite sure I never will. From my family I inherited to extremes Dyslexia & Dysfunctional and these are mystrong suits. FAMILYnope not me. I will not belong to anything that would consider me as its familymember.

DictionaryMeaning of Family:

1.A basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as agroup, whether dwelling together or not: the traditional family.

2.A social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children theycare for: a single-parent family.

NopeI don't see Kenpo as a family for many reasons and it's not any singles personsfault. I have nothing against any single person (S) in kenpo. This is a lack ofleadership problem with no management. The problem being this "WHO's YOUR DADDY?" Who is the single leader of American KenpoPlease Stand Up.? I hope and pray that the Kenpo I learned could come back butit can't. So what's it's further who and what is at the helm of this so called family

I'm by choose, a Rebel & a Maverick


1.A person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against thegovernment or ruler of his or her country.

2.A person who resists any authority, control, or tradition.


1. Southwestern U.S. an unbranded calf, cow, or steer, especially an unbrandedcalf that is separated from its mother.

2. A lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes anindependent stand apart from his or her associates: a modern-dancemaverick. Synonyms: nonconformist,individualist; free thinker; loner, lone wolf.

Just look at all the different Organizations including mine the IKKI. How many is there a hundred or more WHY!

We all can't fly our own flags or Rockers. We have to have a rally around SOMETHING. There has to be a ceases fire and an amenity if structure and order if there is any hope of UNITY.

Remember we all flew the IKKA Rocker and right below was each of our personal Rockersfor our City, or State or Country BUT WE WERE ALL IKKA FIRST above everything else. We must stop this crazy madness of everyone is separate. Call it what you will forgive and forget, Kiss and make up, a declaration from independence must be forth with. Everyone must feel a part of something if they are ever going to belong to something that is greater than us all as individuals.

There has to be One Kenpo, One Rocker, And One Head if we want to grow stronger as an art, style, system and a world leader in martial arts. What corporation, originations, union, sports team,religion groups or family does not have a single person to point to as their leader so followers have a bond and link to that bridges both past and further.The only one that comes to mine to me is Kenpo NO Head, Leader, CEO, Chairman of the Board, or President. There is NO ONE. Now anyone and everyone should be allowed to run for this office like a primary for the GOP, but only one will stand head and shoulders over the others to face off for the presidency. I am advocating this same for mate and due process.

I for one would vote to unite and even be a member of the IKKA if it'sestablishes with the correct principles, leadership and leaders that has acomplete acceptances and accountability to what is needed for today and the furtherof kenpo. Forget the past leave the dead for the dead and the living to theliving.

Seniority is one thing BUT correct leadership is a completely different. There's always a place for seniors in guidance, support and story telling. But it's these us seniors that are to be held accountable for the upbringing of the further seniors. Or held accountable for the demise of the fall, we can&#8217;t have both.

There is a complete generation of Kenpo students that has not a clue of who Mr.Parker is or was and who cares! One of my black belts a third degree is Mr. Parkers Great Nephew&#8217;s. Mr. Joe Parker (Mr.Parker&#8217;s Older Brother) and his wife brought him to me to teach kenpo to at the age of four. He is now a College student with a complete sporting scholarship. I think GOD his last name is not PARKER.

NOWwho and where is the new single Leader of kenpo. There's not one because to many pf us seniors think they have the power and with that self appointed power we feel that we are more important than Kenpo itself, WRONG.

Stating that any senior belt is caring on Mr. Parker&#8217;s Legacy for him is their choosing of words, thoughts, and feelings but not Mr. Parkers. If Mr. Parker wanted anyone to carry on his legacy they would have been named. He did not name a single person in spoken word or pen to paper. So no one is caring on for Mr.Parker legacy appointed by him because he would have name that single person and he did not. Each of us must be doing this for ourselves because Mr. Parker did not care that much to appoint any of us to carry onfor him.

Selfish Pride took down Rome! This must be addressed and resolved unless when in Rome do as the Romans. There is no reason to keep telling fairy talk about Once upon a time there was a huge man named Mr. Parker. STOP IT his own great Nephew could not be linked to him through my personal memories and experiences. It&#8217;s doing more harm than good to all of us. Mr. Parker was our hero not the new ones of today they need their own hero.

These new kenpo students deserve much better than this. They need someone who is alive TODAY. Not a bunch of fragmented pieces of Mr. Parkers scarred all around the world. Elect, appoint, do something fort he good of Kenpo not SELF.

When a Pope dies the cardinals all gather to elect a new Pope. They don't all run off in different directions forming their own churches and fighting over newmemberships. They elect a POPE. WHY because there is NO VICE-POPE.

Kenpo I LOVE YOU DEARLY but as a senior leader and business people we are worse off than the United States Government and the Economy. One leader ONE the student of today deserve nothing less than this!

Kenpo is the best martial arts on the face of Gods Earth. With kenpo having truly outstanding seniors as scalars and warriors all ambassadors traveling the globe in the services of kenpo for what is right not who is right. You will never find an art, style or system of completeness than kenpo anywhere in this world. Please get passed the pride elect a leader, Kenpo dissevers must better than what we as seniors are giving it today. December 15, 1990 Mr. Parker Passed we must pass as well pass the leadership to one we can all gather around and follow.

&#8220;Kenpo the Freedom to Think with an OpenMIND&#8221;

Salutations, I Bow Respectfully to all my Sisters, Brothers & Fellow Seniors of Kenpo

Steve Spry

I Credit My Success to My Consistency Through My Failures Through Studying & Learning the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, The B.I.B.L.E.


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