KT:If you were attacked by a.....

Clark Kent

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If you were attacked by a.....
By mustang6147 - 03-02-2012 12:17 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Here is my question,

If you were rushed or attacked by a person knowledable in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, What would be the choice in the Tracys system of chinese kenpo, defense against such attack?


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
If you were attacked by a.....
By mustang6147 - 03-02-2012 12:17 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Here is my question,

If you were rushed or attacked by a person knowledable in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, What would be the choice in the Tracys system of chinese kenpo, defense against such attack?


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
My buddies. LOL
Knee strike to midsection followed by side-elbow to neck. Finish with inverted knife hand, ending with spear-hand, and palm to solar plexus.

If they go for sweep, step back, low round kick to upper-body. I'm assuming their head would be about stomach level in the attempt to lift one off ground, or throw.
Even if I KNEW Tracy Kenpo, the question is to vague to be answered specifically. Attacked how?

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IMO, I'd say understanding how the ground fighter operates, is one of the main keys. Parker Kenpo, Tracy Kenpo...they both have techniques against attempted takedowns. However, if you dont understand the ground or if your training partner can't shoot or take you down like a BJJ, Wrestler, Judo, guy would, well, you're basically up the creek...lol. Yeah, I know, I know...the average Joe probably won't be a pro MMA guy, however, the growing popularity of MMA and the fact that Wrestling is taught in many schools and colleges, yes, its a very real possibility that we could face someone with alot of ground experience.

So, that said, of course cross training is an option. Not saying you have to stop Kenpo, but head down to the local BJJ club and get familiar with the ground. Test out your Kenpo techs against them, in a learning setting of course. No, I'm not suggesting a challenge match, I'm saying, take a Kenpo tech, and see how it'll work against someone who really knows how to shoot/takedown. Make adjustments if necessary. Should it fail, at least you'd have another option to fall back on, that option being knowledge of the ground.

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