KT:differences between EPAK and shaolin kempo?

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differences between EPAK and shaolin kempo?
By shaolinmonkmark - Thu, 13 Sep 2007 17:56:50 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


What are the differences between EPAK, and shaolin kempo???
Any advice helps, and i thank you!


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SKK tactics and strategy move more towards mckl manipulation and AKK seems to be more strike orientated. SKK tends to get behind attackers more than AKK. Depending on the skk school there can be a tendancy to practice only from a right japanese style step through punch and a 50 50 wieght distribution in stances but many have moved beyond the training tool aspects of these things and get people ready for real fights.
there is little in the way of written theory in SKK and AKK has its own language to explain itself. Many princples and theories overlap in the 2 systems but AKK explains it in a more systematized manner. just some thoughts. in the end go to different school obsevre the classes observe the higher belts and take it from there if you are looking into choosing a style


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