KT:CPL Corey Minatani - United States Army

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CPL Corey Minatani - United States Army
By Rich_Hale - 10-20-2009 01:13 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


When I got back from the International Karate Championships, this week, I had an envelope waiting form me at home.

Enclosed was a Certificate of Appreciation from the United States Army, which I have posted here. I received it at the request of CPL Corey Minatani, who is currently stationed in Iraq.

Below is the entire correspondence I had with Corey. As you can see, I gave very little, but how much it must have meant to him.

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Dear Mr. Hale,

Hi. I went to pacifickenpo website to get more information about the CD. Is this the latest version? Also, I need to send to Iraq to an APO address. The cost is the same as if shipping within the US. Can you do that? Are there any discounts for those deployed?

Thanks, Corey Minatani

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Every Kenpo Journal is created individually with the owners name written into the program, so each one may be more current than the last.

As for a discount for those deployed . . . well why don't you just send me his name and address and I'll send one out to him for free.


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Thank you so much! The Soldier is myself. Here is the address...

CPL Corey Minatani
Task Force 1161st
Camp Taji, Iraq APO AE 09378

My email is coreymin@yahoo.com and my military is corey.minatani@us.army.mil . Either one is acceptable.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to support your efforts and endeavors.

Thanks so much for your support!
Corey Minatani

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That's all there was to it. For the price of a CD and postage to Iraq, a soldier submitted my name to the United States Army for a certificate of appreciation. I'm proud yes that I did a good thing and made a soldier happy. But I'm also a little ashamed that I hadn't done more earlier and without waiting for a soldier to ask.

It's so easy to take our freedom for granted. And it's even easier to forget about the men and women who are overseas right now risking their lives to insure this freedom.

You're welcome to write to Corey and thank him yourself, but maybe you already know someone in the military. And maybe it's been a while since you have written to them or sent a package from home.

Please join me in showing our men and women of the military that we have not forgotten them and that we really do appreciate what they're doing for us.

Attached Images
Freedom Team Certificate 700px.jpg (40.8 KB)


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