Krav Magen



I just came across a site that teaches Krav Magen. Is this an off shoot of of Krav Maga?
Interesting. The "Israeli Krav Magen Association" has a website, which can be found here (the link is to info about the founder):

Evidently, the founder of Krav Magen, Eli Avikzar, was a longtime student of Krav Maga, training directly under the founder, Imi Lichtenfeld. He also has headed up the Krav Maga section of the Israeli army. In 1987, with Lichtenfeld's blessing (including the awarding of a "Founder's Diploma"), Avikzar, who had made "many improvements" and "transformed it into a new method that was parallel to Krav Maga" (both from the site), founded the new style.

From what I can tell, the gentleman and his style appears to be the real deal. Looking at the site, it's kind of hard for me to differentiate what is done in Krav Magen from what is done in Krav Maga, as I don't practice either. The two styles may not be identical, but they seem rather closely related, which is not surprising considering their common history. Perhaps some MT members who practitice Krav Maga (or Krav Magen) could let us know a little more about the differences.
Krav "Magen" is what happens when people trademark terms that aren't legally trademarkable... then threaten their seniors with lawsuits for using a common term.

You'll learn a lot more about what Krav Maga is, by studying Krav Magen, than you'd likely get at most places that advertise Krav Maga.

Well that's my opinion anyway.

I might have written this somewhere else before, but Krav Magen (literally "shield combat") is an equivalent of Krav Maga. It's simply a way for one organization to distinguish itself from others.