KRAV MAGA TRAINING • That's why the Street is different from your Dojo

Multiple attackers are a real tough thing to deal with. It is not going to be pretty and personally I would rather stack the odds in my favor by utilizing a tool/weapon to deal with them.

a weapon is always good. Might try to find that baseballs bat vs five(ish) guys.

the other thing from that video is have an exit strategy. Part of my running around like an idiot advice from earlier.
Of course you also train the two people to keep you in the middle.

Fortunately in many/most multiple attacker situations, the attackers won't have extensive training in fighting as a team. If they are skilled in fighting as a team then it makes a bad situation much worse.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! A car is a much better weapon than a baseball bat. If you have a gang of people after you and you are in an operational car, don't get out and engage hand to hand.

ok i agree with that. And to be honest i would have driven off and called the cops.

but people do what they do. And that was still a pretty good result.

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