Black Belt
Hey, I'm splendid to behold! Thanks guys!
I don't know what I'd call official Krav Maga anymore. We had a guy who came from England and trained in KM there, but he found what we do very different. Now he might have been at a McDojo, but I hear the guys in NYC, who are an official branch of my ogranization are doing a lot of grappling, which is something we care little for.
I think it's my particular ogranization. The Krav Magen grandmaster died almost two years ago, and his successor isn't very popular. I don't think the organizations are communicating as much anymore, so I don't think anyone really represents the "official" Krav Maga. Only time will tell...
As for my recent absence (thanks for checking in, Mike), I've got a lot going on lately, so I haven't been able to keep up with MT, but I'll try to slip a post in here and there. And there's a new video coming up, more of a show-off bit than actual demonstration, but still ;-)
arnisador said:Is Krav Maga officially adding jujutsu techniques, or do you mean your particular group?
I don't know what I'd call official Krav Maga anymore. We had a guy who came from England and trained in KM there, but he found what we do very different. Now he might have been at a McDojo, but I hear the guys in NYC, who are an official branch of my ogranization are doing a lot of grappling, which is something we care little for.
I think it's my particular ogranization. The Krav Magen grandmaster died almost two years ago, and his successor isn't very popular. I don't think the organizations are communicating as much anymore, so I don't think anyone really represents the "official" Krav Maga. Only time will tell...
As for my recent absence (thanks for checking in, Mike), I've got a lot going on lately, so I haven't been able to keep up with MT, but I'll try to slip a post in here and there. And there's a new video coming up, more of a show-off bit than actual demonstration, but still ;-)