Korean words for a few things?


Yellow Belt
I was hoping some one with better Korean than me could help with this.
I am trying to find the korean words and how to spell them in english for the word "learn", "learning", and "teach". Does anybody know?
for thank you Kom or Kahm then sa or sah me or mee da or dah!
so together Komsameda or use the break down to help sound it out.

Thats what was represented to give the sound it makes.
Hi Chris,

Sometimes, the particular translated word will vary depending on the context (IE: noun, verb, etc). There are others here who have an even better understanding of the Korean language than I do, but I can read and write it, and translate individual words pretty good.

"Learn" as a verb is 배우다 : bae-u-da, or baeuda

배 = bae and is pronounced like "bad" without the "d"

우 = u which is the long "u" sound as in "due" without the "d"

다 = da which uses the "ah" sound of the vowel "a"

"Learning" as I found is used more as a noun, like "these are your studies, or your learning."

"Learning" is 공부 : kong-bu, or kongbu

공 = kong which is pronounced with a long "o" like in "show" or "grow."

부 = bu and sounds like a ghost saying "boo!"

To make this a verb, you add "hada," 하다 , which means to do something.

공부하다 = "kong-bu-hada," or kongbuhada: "to study," or "to learn"

"teach" is 가르치다 : ka-reu-chi-da, or kareuchida

가 = ka and sounds like the "ah" in "katana," and "kata"

르 = reu . This is a short sound like the "oo" in "look," "cook," and "book."

치 = chi , and is pronounced "chee" just like the spritual energy "chi."

다 = da which uses the "ah" sound

slight correction for monkey,

"Thank you" in Korean can be either:

감사합니다 : kam-sa-hap-ni-da (usually pronounced "kamsahamnida" with 5 syllables)


고맙습니다 : ko-map-seup-ni-da (go - mop - soup - knee - dah) or "komapseumnida".

I hope this helps, Chris

CM D. J. Eisenhart
Wow, thanks so much all of you - especially Mr. Eisenhart,

I am still a little confused on how to pronunce the kong with a long O. I see it and my brain wants to say it like it would be in "King Kong". For some reason I am having a tough time getting my tongue to say,
k-oh-ng. :)


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