Korean Sword Cutting Practice Video Clip!

Looks like a nice job cutting but was'nt he a little out of control when he made his turn with his feet. Just my observation.
Looks like a nice job cutting but was'nt he a little out of control when he made his turn with his feet. Just my observation.

Personally I felt he was out of control throughout and yet I am always
interested in watching Korean Swordsmanship in all it's forms.
How do you know it's Korean? The weapon looked Japanese, and the general presentation and technique looked Japanese, based on my very limited exposure to this type of thing.
How do you know it's Korean? The weapon looked Japanese, and the general presentation and technique looked Japanese, based on my very limited exposure to this type of thing.

Oh it is definately Korean as I pulled it off a Korean site. Plus I have seen Korean Gumdo practitioners do the cutting. As to the similarity well there are immense similarities between Korean and Japanese swordsmanship.
Surprisingly enough....[sarcasm]....Korean swords look a lot like Japanese swords. For that matter, Korean Sword arts have some big similarities to Japanese sword arts in general.
Being cautious not to make style specific nit-picks here but the footwork was not good for anything other than repeated cross-cuts against a static target.

The entire point of tamashagiri is to check that your cutting technique is clean and if this is not done from within appropriate posture then it has no value (or at least no more (or no less) than any of the 'cutting party for fun' vids that are out there in Netland).
I actually enjoued the 'out of control' element to it. Thanks for posting this Brian.