Korean MA evolution

Again I agree, and, though I don't want to put words in his mouth, from what Last Fearner wrote at the end of his latest post, it sounds like he does as well. But how do you think is the best way to do that, practically speaking?Today 01:42 PM

Frankly by people like LF and yourself along with me and som other that would love to see the Art back in charge by voicing our concerns to those that have power and not sit back like those before us have done and agree with every high ranking official out there.

Will that ever happen it already is just not on a large scale and we need it to be on a large scale.

Too many Master and such cry about the same thing but yet refuse to voice there concerns and until they do we must force the battle to our students to preserve what is right.

Just my opinion

Hey Terry---I think that's the right approach for sure, though I don't really count much; I won't reach dan rank for another year or so, probably, but you and Last Fearner and some of the other contributors to the TKD and KMA are high-enough ranking, and articulate enough, to make the case. The problem is to ideantify which people among officialdom needs to get this message and what kind of leverage can be applied....

I think I heard---on one of the MT threads, I believe---about an article that was published in Journal of Asian Martial Arts in 2005 about the decline in combat content of TKD and how it came about. Have you or anyone else on this thread seen that article? I'd love to get my hands on it---our library carries the journal, so I may trot over there and have a look. Will let you know if there really is such an article.
Hey Terry---I think that's the right approach for sure, though I don't really count much; I won't reach dan rank for another year or so, probably, but you and Last Fearner and some of the other contributors to the TKD and KMA are high-enough ranking, and articulate enough, to make the case. The problem is to ideantify which people among officialdom needs to get this message and what kind of leverage can be applied....

I think I heard---on one of the MT threads, I believe---about an article that was published in Journal of Asian Martial Arts in 2005 about the decline in combat content of TKD and how it came about. Have you or anyone else on this thread seen that article? I'd love to get my hands on it---our library carries the journal, so I may trot over there and have a look. Will let you know if there really is such an article.

Excile you are wrong it is you and the othe rfuture Dan ranks thast can make the difference in the TKD and KMA world for you are the future and your voice will be heard alot more of than mine and LF we have probaly been voicing our concerns forever in our community, we need yound strong opinion people like yourself to step up and say what is on there minds.
Excile you are wrong it is you and the othe rfuture Dan ranks thast can make the difference in the TKD and KMA world for you are the future and your voice will be heard alot more of than mine and LF we have probaly been voicing our concerns forever in our community, we need yound strong opinion people like yourself to step up and say what is on there minds.

Hey Terry---well, thanks for your very, verykind words, but listen, I gotta confess that you are a lot younger than me---my next birthday is in March and I'm going to be 60 years old (which seems very strange to me since inside I still feel as though I'm 20---what happened??!!) It's true that I do heavy weight training and interval wind sprints in an effort to keep age and the Reaper as far away for as long as possible, and I've got good genes---my father died last year at almost 93 and my mother is still going strong at nearly 90---but both you and LF have a lot more youth on your side than I have! I think I work and train as hard as any of the people in my TKD group... but really, from what I can tell, I'm oldest person on the TKD board. But I do plan to keep training and get to dan rank, and try to bring students into the art with the point of view you've been talking about. (My little boy is 9 and has been doing TKD with me from the beginning under our instructor Allen Shirley, so I guess he's going to be my first project in this direction).

That really may well be the key to it---getting students into the Korean arts who actually are excited not (solely) by the possibility of sports glory (how realistic is that for most of us, after all?) but by the idea of empowerment that comes from knowing you can protect yourself if you absolutely must. And also from the challenge of looking at a move and finally realizing, hey, now I see what that's for.

Anyway, thanks again for your kind words, even though my youth hasn't been in my rear-view mirror for a long, long time...

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