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Mr. Rousselot

Originally posted by RyuShiKan
You were doing it then and are doing it now with this long rant of yours that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You had little ground to stand on then to support your point of view just as you have little ground now.

I would like you to show me where in my last post I resorted to character assassination. Other than that, I have only posted 3 times in this thread.

My first post: Was in response to Pyros, where I offered some clarification regarding the connection between some of Hobbs Sensei's rank certificates. No character assassination there.

My second post: Was my response to two very derogatory posts about Hobbs Sensei that you made. In that post I stated that my perception, based upon the tone of your two posts, was that you were going to turn the thread into a pi$$ing match and that I was not interested in participating in it. This was an observation that I made based upon past experience with how the type of posts that you had made affect discussion on forums. I also brought up the apparent inconsistency on your web site which, as I have already tried to explain in two previous posts, was to make a point that if one sees an apparent inconsistency, they should check the facts (including seeking clarification) instead of bad mouthing the person. I also advised you to use caution because there are people who will bring suit at the drop of a hat (a pain in the neck that no one really wants to deal with). No character assassination there.

My third post: Was to Mr. Byrd, in which my intent was to advise him not to worry about your comments. I said that your approach of making unsubstantiated accusations, while admitting that you were unwilling to review any evidence that runs contrary to your opinion, was more damaging to your own reputation than anyone else's. You had in fact been making accusations without checking the facts of the case in question and that you were hurting yourself more than anyone was my opinion from personal observations of past situations. I think it was you who said "People are allowed to state their opinion on the Internet or anywhere." So, no character assassination there. However, in this post I also said:

"Unfortunately, there will always be people like Mr. Rousselot out there and they are a complete waste of time in my opinion. In a way I pity them."

Now here is the only place where I will concede that my statements could be misconstrued as character assassination. However, it was not my intention and for that I apologize. I referred to you directly instead of the behavior that you had exhibited, which is what I was actually speaking of. When people make derogatory comments, like the ones that you made, right off the bat and then openly refuse to review any evidence offered to them, it has been my experience that they do more to put themselves in a bad light than who or whatever they are speaking against. I sort of pity those people because they may have the best of intentions and may be correct, but their behavior prevents people from listening to their message and as a result, they hurt their own cause.

Originally posted by RyuShiKan

With out provication?…..hmmm……let me see.
I wouldn’t dream of telling you the contents of your house and would look like an idiot doing so unless I had actually been there. Kind of like you 2 telling me about those certificates without actually know what they say or the difference between a fake and a real one. Like I said they could have been menus from a sushi bar for all you know.

Oh, but you did presume to "tell me the contents of (my) house" because you had already presumed that I do not read, speak or write the Japanese language.

Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Then you start with a “character assassination” of me by saying I am “angry” and “Unfortunately, there will always be people like Mr. Rousselot out there and they are a complete waste of time in my opinion.” and how you “pity them”. That’s not character assassination? This was your attempt to try and discredit me be trying to make me out to be “the bad guy”.

Saying that you seem to have a lot of hostility was a personal observation, an opinion. I think it was you who said "People are allowed to state their opinion on the Internet or anywhere." As for the "Unfortunately, there will always be people ...", I have already addressed that above and apologized, but again ... I apologize if you misunderstood what I was trying to say. However, IF I did think that you AS A PERSON are a waste of time, then that would be my personal opinion, which I would be entitled to state .... by your own admission.

Once again, this has taken more of my time than I would have liked it to, so I will end here.

I sincerely wish you the best in the future.


Dave Fulton
And the pi$$ing match continues.....still can't find anything to support your point of view about the certificates I guess.

Originally posted by Dave Fulton
........Oh, but you did presume to "tell me the contents of (my) house" because you had already presumed that I do not read, speak or write the Japanese language.
Dave Fulton

Do you?

If you can then surely you can translate this with no trouble:


(you will need to go to "encoding" on your task bar to change over to Japanese.)
Originally posted by arnisador
Is this a period?

Yes it is.
That is the kind the Japanese language software kicks out instead of the regular "."
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
And the pi$$ing match continues......

I must say that you are an interesting person. You accused me of character assassination, so I reviewed my previous statements to see if your accusation was reasonable. I found one statement that was questionable and so I offered both an explanation of what I meant and an apology for not being more clear. Yet ... I'm continuing the pi$$ing match?

Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Do you?

No I do not, but again you have either missed or ignored my point. My point was that you had already presumed that I did not, perhaps because you presumed that if I did read Japanese, then I would have read every single word on the certificate and analyzed it for authenticity. Even if I could read Japanese I would not have read and analyzed the entire certificate because I trust Hobbs Sensei and would see no need. I would only go to that much trouble if I distrusted a person ... but then I wouldn't be studying under someone at all if I distrusted them. I could get my certificates and your comment translated fairly easily (I work with a Japanese client and frequently require translations), but I do not see the point in either case because I trust Hobbs Sensei and because I don't care what you wrote in your post.

I find it interesting that you posts smack of cynicism and character assassination and yet you whine when you perceive either directed at you.
Originally posted by Dave Fulton
……..Yet ... I'm continuing the pi$$ing match?

You keep responding to anything I post.

Originally posted by Dave Fulton
…….. My point was that you had already presumed that I did not, perhaps because you presumed that if I did read Japanese, then I would have read every single word on the certificate and analyzed it for authenticity.

No need to look at every single word, just a basic look at them would tell you they aren’t real.
Bogus “hanko” (stamp), made on a word processor instead of hand written…….basic things like that would tell you they were fake.

Originally posted by Dave Fulton
…….. Even if I could read Japanese I would not have read and analyzed the entire certificate because I trust Hobbs Sensei and would see no need.

Blind faith is great…………

Originally posted by Dave Fulton
…….. I would only go to that much trouble if I distrusted a person ... but then I wouldn't be studying under someone at all if I distrusted them.

Seeing those certificates would be my first clue not to trust them.
But like I said 2 or 3 times before, he may have some skill and you may learn something from him but those certificates are as fake as a $3 bill.

Anyway, back on topic…………

I am always curious why it is Westerners feel the need to pad their resume with bloated dan ranks.
I have yet to see a Japanese or Okinawan teacher that claims as many 10th dans, Soke titles, and Menkyo kai den as I see in the west.

It was always my understanding the to reach 10th dan certain conditions had to be met.

1) You needed to study 1 style for a good many years……like 40~50.
2) You had to be the most senior student and come up through the ranks by training at the honbu.
3) Be the most senior student and your teacher would have had to pass away before you were eligible to be a 10th dan.

Taking #3 into account I hope I never reach 10th dan.

There are certain schools and organizations in Japan and Okinawa that have “sold out” and started selling 9th and 10th dans to westerners as a way to get some cash and promote the style abroad in the process. All though they may seem authentic in appearance these certificates are not worth the paper they are written on given the situations they are obtained under.

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