Kokikai Aikido?

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Was talking with a Kokikai sensei again, I like the emphasis on relaxation, jives with my Taijiquan .

Anyone have any experience with Kokikai?

What are your thoughts on Kokikai?
I’ve had no interaction with anyone I. Kokikai - I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts if you dip your toes in.
I’ve had no interaction with anyone I. Kokikai - I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts if you dip your toes in.
If I do I will post, but this will not be anytime soon... threw my back out, a week ago today and although I can walk now, couldn't last Saturday, I am still spending most of my day laying on a floor and walking with a cane

Not even doing taijiquan at the moment
If I do I will post, but this will not be anytime soon... threw my back out, a week ago today and although I can walk now, couldn't last Saturday, I am still spending most of my day laying on a floor and walking with a cane

Not even doing taijiquan at the moment
Ouch. I've thrown my back out that badly twice in my life - worse pain than anything else I've experienced. Feel better, my friend.
Ouch. I've thrown my back out that badly twice in my life - worse pain than anything else I've experienced. Feel better, my friend.

I have hurt it worse, got me a trip in an ambulance once and weeks stay in a hospital. Followed by about 3 months on the floor.

I am up and walking without assistance, no cane, I just don't trust it yet with longer walks.

My biggest worry at the moment is we have a snowstorm heading our way on Tuesday with 6 to 10 inches of snow predicted.

I have done a bit more research on Kokikai, and it looks interesting, and along the lines of my taijiquan training
I am still going to check the school out. but after spending a week on the floor on my back, and having to get off the floor using my knees..... I find it highly unlikely my fake knee could handle Shiko knee walking.

I also cannot sit in Sieza.....
I am still going to check the school out. but after spending a week on the floor on my back, and having to get off the floor using my knees..... I find it highly unlikely my fake knee could handle Shiko knee walking.

I also cannot sit in Sieza.....
Looks like a great way to clean the dojo floor. :D:D

On a more serious note, this looks like it can really improve one's normal stepping while standing as the motion is, by necessity, powered by the hips. Even better than duck walking. I teach not to step with the feet; step with the hips. This makes the step more dynamic and acts as a power source.
Looks like a great way to clean the dojo floor. :D:D

On a more serious note, this looks like it can really improve one's normal stepping while standing as the motion is, by necessity, powered by the hips. Even better than duck walking. I teach not to step with the feet; step with the hips. This makes the step more dynamic and acts as a power source.
My daughter took year of Aikikai Aikido and did a lot of Shiko ko, and I forgot all about it, until I was kneeling on the fake knee to get off the floor and it hurt like crazy.
But in Aikikai they practiced techniques from their knees ad using Shiko
I am still going to check the school out. but after spending a week on the floor on my back, and having to get off the floor using my knees..... I find it highly unlikely my fake knee could handle Shiko knee walking.

I also cannot sit in Sieza.....
I used to do a lot of both, and had students who could not. It’s likely not a deal breaker.
Looks like a great way to clean the dojo floor. :D:D

On a more serious note, this looks like it can really improve one's normal stepping while standing as the motion is, by necessity, powered by the hips. Even better than duck walking. I teach not to step with the feet; step with the hips. This makes the step more dynamic and acts as a power source.
To me, that was the main benefit, though it also improves mobility when fighting from the ground.
well.... there are a lot of getting off the floor and using your knees to do it...... Can get around shiko, can avoid seiza... but but a whole lot of kneeling to get off the floor..... think I'll look into a couple other things I'm considering.....
well.... there are a lot of getting off the floor and using your knees to do it...... Can get around shiko, can avoid seiza... but but a whole lot of kneeling to get off the floor..... think I'll look into a couple other things I'm considering.....
This is true. I miss-spoke when I said it could be worked around. I was thinking of sitting in seiza and doing the knee-walking. We don’t do much of that.
I have no experience with Kokikai. However I'm an aikido black belt and taught aikido in my school and at various clinics. It's necessary for the student to learn relaxation though there are a few who never seem to get there. For those few I recommend karate or something else. I guess it's difficult for some to coinside relaxation along with the very martial approach of our style.
I have no experience with Kokikai. However I'm an aikido black belt and taught aikido in my school and at various clinics. It's necessary for the student to learn relaxation though there are a few who never seem to get there. For those few I recommend karate or something else. I guess it's difficult for some to coinside relaxation along with the very martial approach of our style.
as for me, relaxation is not the issue after 30 years of Traditional Yang style taijiquan. My issue is one bad knee and one fake knee. And its the fake knee that is of greater concern. Getting up off the floor generally involves kneeling and that, on the fake knee, is rather painful. The surgeon told me the last things to come back after surgery where navifating stairs and kneeling, and kneeling mat never come back... over 3 years out, kneeling has yet to return