I myself have a very limited exposure to other arts besides kenpo but am always interested in seeing how the other side lives, so to speak. I think that a good description of what the move is that you are discussing
(i.e. ) :right forearm across opponents throat, right hand grasps left bicep, left hand to back of opponents head, apply pressure to throat with forearm while pushing forward with left hand //sleeper//
should be the minimum that you should do out of respect for the other artists here as well as respect for your chosen art. I used terminology that I think most of us understand and then put the name of the choke/technique after the description.
I fully understand the point that Chufeng is trying to make and agree with it. There is no time limit on how long you have to respond to a thread so take your time, think about what you have to say and THEN put finger to keyboard. It will help you get the answer you are searching for a lot quicker if everyone across the spectrumof arts that we have here can understand to which technique you are refering. I still consider myself a newbie in MA so I may one of those guys that needs the "MA for idiots" description
(i.e. ) :right forearm across opponents throat, right hand grasps left bicep, left hand to back of opponents head, apply pressure to throat with forearm while pushing forward with left hand //sleeper//
should be the minimum that you should do out of respect for the other artists here as well as respect for your chosen art. I used terminology that I think most of us understand and then put the name of the choke/technique after the description.
I fully understand the point that Chufeng is trying to make and agree with it. There is no time limit on how long you have to respond to a thread so take your time, think about what you have to say and THEN put finger to keyboard. It will help you get the answer you are searching for a lot quicker if everyone across the spectrumof arts that we have here can understand to which technique you are refering. I still consider myself a newbie in MA so I may one of those guys that needs the "MA for idiots" description
