Knife laws: alegal hodgepodge of disaster...


Here is an interesting link on knife laws that I found:

Knife laws are intentionally vague, unlike the gun laws of each state. They are dictated by a hodgepodge of both local and state legislation, mixed in with case law and stipulations.

Basically, the officer will determine if your carry knife is reasonable if one is found by a cop in your possession, and there is little you can do to change that. If you ever have to use a knife in self-defense, it will be up to the courts to decide if there was reasonableness on your part.

So, the moral is, carry your knives for UTILITY reasons, and carry what will work best for that reason, and have that utility reason be the main reason that you carry. This will hopefully prevent headaches or worse if your facing an inquiring police officer in any case, or the courtroom after a self-defense incident.

Wholeheartedly agree with that Paul. Here in IN the state laws are great, it's when it gets down to the local ordinances where you run into trouble. A lot of places, like were I live, never have expanded on the state law. I could carry a machete around and not be breaking any laws/ordinances. Next county over, it's really vauge on what is acceptable and what isn't. You'll probably have to check out the ordinances yourself. Most policemen (in my experience) won't know them.


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