I'm so disappointed right now I think it's the worst I've felt relating to martial arts.
Backstory: Judo seminar and Shiai in Saint-Pierre in 2011. Training leading up to it, I tweaked my knee and began having trouble. Smashed it on a drop soei nage (scored Ippon at least) and had serious pain for the rest of the weekend. Healed up and was fine by Wednesday. Returning to Judo in the fall of 2011, I started having trouble on and off, enough I bought a brace and wore it when I absolutely had to.
Fast forward to a recent Taekwondo seminar. Slipped changing direction, *POP*
lots of swelling and heavy use of the hotel's ice machine. Then I had some back issues that laid me up and now I'm back and feeling good, until tonight. Did nothing. Threw a roundhouse kick and screwed up the pivot, I was warmed up and stretched out and everything, and it popped again. Swollen enough I can barely walk. I really want to get back into Taekwondo competition and I hoped to do martial arts for the rest of my life, but if my knee won't hold up for low level Judo randori, how can I do that?
Anyone have any advice for me? Would be VERY much appreciated.
If it helps I am 5'8", 170 lbs, 19. TKD 1st dan, Judo orange.
Backstory: Judo seminar and Shiai in Saint-Pierre in 2011. Training leading up to it, I tweaked my knee and began having trouble. Smashed it on a drop soei nage (scored Ippon at least) and had serious pain for the rest of the weekend. Healed up and was fine by Wednesday. Returning to Judo in the fall of 2011, I started having trouble on and off, enough I bought a brace and wore it when I absolutely had to.
Fast forward to a recent Taekwondo seminar. Slipped changing direction, *POP*

Anyone have any advice for me? Would be VERY much appreciated.
If it helps I am 5'8", 170 lbs, 19. TKD 1st dan, Judo orange.