Knee Injury Advice

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately my physical therapist thinks I should wait another four weeks before I get back into regular class. I think I will give it another two and see where I am. It's hard sitting on the sidelines but I'd rather do that than start back at class too early and knock myself out longer.
ldgman1970 said:
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately my physical therapist thinks I should wait another four weeks before I get back into regular class. I think I will give it another two and see where I am. It's hard sitting on the sidelines but I'd rather do that than start back at class too early and knock myself out longer.

I hear ya. It is very hard to just sit back and not do any training. As difficult as it is though, make sure you don't rush back into anything too soon. You don't want to re-injure something thats on its way to healing.

Good luck with the recovery! You'll be back on the mats before you know it!! :ultracool

If you will need (or prefer) to wear a soft brace when you return, look these guys up. They're not well known because until recently, they only sold to the medical and professional sports teams. Over 30 pro teams use them now. Most doctors carry a certain line of supports based more on reinbursment profit than on quality.

They're far from the cheapest, but they're light years thinner, stronger and more flexible than neoprene and I've used them for the past 6 years. Though my injuries have long since healed, I still wear them to prevention purposes and have never suffered one since either.

Sorry for sounding like a salesman but I highly recommend them for everyone. They're unbelievable. Good luck with your knee.

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