King of Tae Kwon Do


Master of Arts
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
The woods of Marin County, California, USA
It's time for something fun (and maybe silly).

Imagine that for one year, you are the King (or Queen) of all that is Tae Kwon Do. All practitioners of all martial styles within all organizations that consider themselves Tae Kwon Do must obey you. Your reign only lasts one year, but the changes you make may last longer. It can be an Olympic year if you so choose.

Tell us, your Highness, what your reign is like. :D
I would leave things as they are now but kwan baced taekwondo schools would change their names into kwan names and all Kukkiwon based taekwondo would be standard Kukkiwon taekwondo (as Kukkiwon teaches taekwondo). ITF can do what ever they want I dont have anything to say about their doing.

Oh. And TKD would gain permanent status as an Olympic sport that could never be taken away. I would end all dicustion about foot protectors and gloves in TKD and about coloured uniforms. I would also hade someone to really make electric scoring system that works with all the weight categories and for beginners too.

I think that would be just about it. :-]
an instructor in my organization has developed an electric scoring system that really works fantastic....

I don't want to post much about it because I'm not sure if it would break the rules on advertising, but I guess I could start a thread about it in the pro shop...
Aaahhh the Power (hehhehheh!)

1. Any Tae Kwon Do Instructor found to be a member of a Soke organization would be stripped of their TKD certification.

2. Only white uniforms or white with black trim would be legal.

3. No more Olympic Tae Kwon Do after 2008. The highest level of competition would be the World TKD Championships. Focusing on the Olympics has just caused too much trouble and weakened Tae Kwon Do's technique.

4. No black belt tests before age 15. There would be no Poom Dans. You test as everyone else tests.

5. Any Instructor found to have lied about their credentials would be forced to begin again as a white belt. Maybe this time they'll get it right.

6. To fight Olympic-style, you must apply to and compete through the Olympic Academy. Otherwise, you practice traditional Tae Kwon Do. What this will do is establish Olympic style as a separate entity of Tae Kwon Do, not the main package, similar to the Hwa Rang warriors of long ago.
No blackbelts under 14
All students would have the opportunity for a FREE testing at the kukkiwon for their current rank, regardless of current certification.
The public would be educated on the difference between sport, self-defense and tradition
All schools will have their classes watched and graded by a surprise committee in order to strain out some of the bad eggs. Before shutting down a school, assistance would be offered to fix any problems.
Part Two:

1. I am King of Tae Kwon Do for Life. Why give up a good thing?

2. You may NOT hold active rank in two or more separate TKD organizations. Actively certified and teaching WTF and ITF technique? No. Exception: Belonging to a recognized Kwan (Chung Do Kwan, Moo Duk Kwan etc.) and a national or world organization.

3. It would be illegal to teach Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Judo, Kung Fu, and Kickboxing at the same facility. Any Instructor claiming to teach multiple styles would be flogged.

4. Any Instructor found to have behaved inappropriately to young children would be sent to a monastery.
King for the day: start with getting rid of all those imposters that claim to be 10 Dan and are 35 years old next bring back capitol puniment to those that are fakes. Try to bring back the humility that once was and last but not least get rid of the Mc dojo's of the world.
-Get rid of McDojangs!
-Change the stupid Olympic sparring rules. No punching to the head? Aargh! (I was about to say WTF?... :rolleyes: )
-Set some strict standards for grading. Some TKD schools hand out belts like candy.
-Bring all the ITFs back together as one organisation. And take away the egos of some of the head honchos.
-No 1st dans under 14.
Anyone promoting Tae Bo (or any variation) as effective self defense would be dropped off in Compton wearing the same sign Bruce Willis had to wear in Die Hard 3 and forced to defend themselves.

Ditto anyone promoting Olympic sparring as good self defense.
I am Queen! :D

deadhand31 said:
I would allow kicking to the legs, punching to the head, and require hard contact for a point. I would also allow takedowns, and groundfighting for a limited time. Aaahh.. what a wondrous world it would be....

This would be the first thing. I also hate the gear (helmet, arm and shin pads are ok, though).

Get rid of the McDojangs, frauds, deflate egos, ect.

I would bring back the traditional stuff to WTF TKD (takedowns, joint locks, throws, ect) that they took out for the olympic style.
deadhand31 said:
Heheheh... I would allow kicking to the legs, punching to the head, and require hard contact for a point. I would also allow takedowns, and groundfighting for a limited time. Aaahh.. what a wondrous world it would be....
Oh, so you want accidents during free fighting. Nice. Join UFC and you can kick the legs, punch the face, and do all the things you want to do.
deadhand31 said:
Heheheh... I would allow kicking to the legs, punching to the head, and require hard contact for a point. I would also allow takedowns, and groundfighting for a limited time. Aaahh.. what a wondrous world it would be....
Then why don't you want to be the king of MMA?
Some guestions.

MichiganTKD - What is Soke organisation?

Rainbows - Why would you care how we fight in WTF if you are ITF practissioner?

Karatekid1975 - How do you know that for example takedowns were part of taekwondo before Olympics?

A Soke organization is an organization of MA instructors claiming to have either created their own art or be the Head of the art they study. As a result, many of them claim 10th Dan and Grandmaster rank, although most of them tend to have questionable or downright fraudulent credentials.
There are several discussions about these "Soke Councils" in the General MA thread.
Instead of changing anything, I'd just rather have some dedicated students come to the dojang. I'm sick of seeing kids/adults drop out after a month and we never hear from them again.
Jim Tindell said:
Instead of changing anything, I'd just rather have some dedicated students come to the dojang. I'm sick of seeing kids/adults drop out after a month and we never hear from them again.
Well said!

I suppose that if somehow I could make them do it, I would make all the Korean masters and grandmasters tell the truth about the history's of the Kwans and styles. Put together a comprehensive encyclopedia covering Korean styles.

I would demote all 10 dans as there is no such thing in this life.

I would organize a huge convention with all of the true grandmasters, and have each one take a day to teach on a specific subject.

I would erase Tae Guks from existence along with the rediculous walking stance/Egyptian heiroglyphic stance.

I would take all of the greatest TKD masters and create a multi DVD set that documents every technique, form, one step, piece of information in TKD.

Man I would be busy.
JanneM said:
Karatekid1975 - How do you know that for example takedowns were part of taekwondo before Olympics?

I never got into the history of TKD that much. But my instructor told us one night. He is 7th dan in Moo Duk Kwan, and 8th dan in WTF. So, I would say that the info he gave me "can" be true (He talked about how traditional TKD was/is, and how the WTF evolved from that). I don't remember the exact conversation, but he said something to the effect that there were all this stuff in TKD before it became a sport (look at the ITF for example). I'm not saying he's right or wrong (because I'm just a rookie). But if he's right, I hope to bring that back to the WTF.
JanneM said:
Some guestions.
Karatekid1975 - How do you know that for example takedowns were part of taekwondo before Olympics?
I am not Krate kid, but I did TKD before the olympics, adn take downs were legal then. So too was punching to the head.

Fortunetly we in finland are in good place according to that kind of organisations. We have none of those. WE do have some MCDOjos/Dojangs but that I think is avoidable.