Kimura setup from punch defense

I watched it a couple of times. The technique looks sound but I'd have to feel it out to judge. I feel like it would only work with constant forward pressure. When you change your grip from their tricep to their wrist I think it would be a perfect opportunity for them to sit back and up.
I watched it a couple of times. The technique looks sound but I'd have to feel it out to judge. I feel like it would only work with constant forward pressure. When you change your grip from their tricep to their wrist I think it would be a perfect opportunity for them to sit back and up.

Your opposite leg should be hooked on his back, and your arm should be trapping his opposite arm. Pause the vid at the minute mark to see the hold. Essentially you have an entire side of his body trapped as you slide to wrist control on the opposite side.

And yeah you are correct that this set up is against constant pressure from your opponent.

What is his other hand doing?

Blue's hand is trapped. Once you go for the kimura you release the trap as you move their body to one side and yours goes in the other.

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