Kimbo vs. K. Shamrock in October

horrible fight. why would we want to see this? shamrock is a ufc hall of famer isnt he? but he has lost, and badly, his last 5. retire dude! he lost to buzz berry!!! why would you fight a guy like kimbo? I think they are doing this just to finish off a veteran ufc fighter and show that he cant win in exc.
horrible fight. why would we want to see this? shamrock is a ufc hall of famer isnt he? but he has lost, and badly, his last 5. retire dude! he lost to buzz berry!!! why would you fight a guy like kimbo? I think they are doing this just to finish off a veteran ufc fighter and show that he cant win in exc.
Yeah, it's sad that Ken Shamrock's pride can't let him see that this is a sham. But like in the boxing world, some fighters with a lot of heart don't know when to pull the plug. Nobody can accuse Ken of not having heart. One need only look at Muhammad Ali's last couple of fights to see how sad it is when a guy doesn't know when to quit. All you do is make some chumps payday who 10 or 15 years before couldn't carry your jock-strap.
I can't beleive the hype Kimbo is getting. I am looking forward to the day he fights someone who is still in the game. Even Ken Shamrock should be able to put him away by taking it to the ground. I have a feeling this fight is fixed and by beating a hall of famer, kimbo will get his 1 and only "big" fight. I love the UFC and MMA, but the "sport" is getting much like the WWF. But like the above posts mention, it is entertainment and it boils down to $$$. How does Brock get a shot at Randy?? What a f*$^$#g joke! Sorry to say it's polularity will be on the decline unless stuf get "real" again. I heard they are going to start allowing drop kicks from the top of the fence soon.
I don't think we'll ever see drop kicks from a fence. Gripping the fence usually gets a guy scolded and on the edge of a possible dq because the leverage would take the fairness out of the fight.

Yes Kimbo is old and got in the mma thing far too late. I'm not too sure how Exc's heavyweight division is but sooner or later like the other poster mentioned Kimbo will have to step up to somebody that can pose a real threat to him.

Also Exc must be desperate for money in order to market Shamrock as Kimbo's next opponent. This is amateur booking at its worst.
Yeah, it's sad that Ken Shamrock's pride can't let him see that this is a sham. But like in the boxing world, some fighters with a lot of heart don't know when to pull the plug. Nobody can accuse Ken of not having heart. One need only look at Muhammad Ali's last couple of fights to see how sad it is when a guy doesn't know when to quit. All you do is make some chumps payday who 10 or 15 years before couldn't carry your jock-strap.

I think he knows he is going in to lose, he's not won a fight in 4 years, he's 3-7 since his come back in 2000...

I think Ken could still have a career, he's just fighting the wrong people. Look at Dan Severn:

He still fights, and still has a winning record, he's just not fighting the top-tier fighters anymore.

Kimbo is of course far from top tier, despite what some internet junkies might like to believe, but he's got a lot more power then Ken, and Ken was a guy that used to rely on his power.
I think he knows he is going in to lose, he's not won a fight in 4 years, he's 3-7 since his come back in 2000...

I think Ken could still have a career, he's just fighting the wrong people. Look at Dan Severn:

He still fights, and still has a winning record, he's just not fighting the top-tier fighters anymore.

Kimbo is of course far from top tier, despite what some internet junkies might like to believe, but he's got a lot more power then Ken, and Ken was a guy that used to rely on his power.

Yeah, but the difference is in how Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock look at themselves. I've talked to Dan Severn and he views himself as a competitor not as a fighter. In other words it's just a game to him, it's just wrestling with different rules. He can pick and choose his opponents and still enjoy the competition.

Ken Shamrock, on the other hand, is a fighter....and he has to put it all out there against the absolute best or he feels like he's nothing. So he picks fights where he's going to get hurt and beaten.

It's an entirely different mindset. Ken can't let go of the past.
Brock Lesner is a potential champion, Kimbo is a thug. I wouldn't pay to see him(kimbo) fight anyone. I'd say Brock asked to be thrown in the deep end so his learning curve could be as steep as possible; this way when he fights for the title he won't get smashed. Kimbo vs Ken is just garbage and is the sort of fight that just makes a mockery out of mma.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves...Lesnar lost to Frank Mir with a pretty stupid mistake, then he beat Heath Herring who, although he is a well respected and very deserving fighter with a lot of ring experience, IS gettin' a little long in the tooth, and is clearly closer to the end of his career than to the beginning. If Lesnar beats Couture, and then goes on to fight Big Nog, or Fedor or someone like that, THEN I will say he is champion material.
Well, the fight is this weekend! I'm looking forward to it. IMO, I think Kimbo may have the edge while standing. On the ground...well, unless Kimbo has really improved, I'm giving that area to Ken.
I still think Shamrock is over his head and that he will lose. Unless he has improved vastly since I last saw him he will be lucky not to get seriously hurt. Then again if he can get Kimbo to the ground some way I might be surprised at the outcome of the fight
I think the biggest problem Ken will have is his ego. He's nowhere near the fighter that submitted Bas Rutten (Kimbo's trainer) twice (more like 6 times in those fights actually, Bas used a few rope escapes). Ken might try to stand with Kimbo, if he does, he'll probably get KO'ed. If he's smart and actually shoots on Kimbo and goes back to his bread and butter (leg locks), he'll probably take kimbo out quickly.

The problem though, ken can't face the fact that he's getting older. He's acting like he has something to prove, and he's taken a LOT of punishment in the last few years.
Who is Elite XC going to get to fight Kimbo next? They going to raid the old fighters retirement home?

They're probably in talks to bring Muhammad Ali out of retirement.

They already had him fight Ray Mercer, so you're not far off the mark
Press release from Brett Rogers on Kimbo 'Duck' Slice....

As for Oct 4th; that was our spot. Shamrock with his name and giant ego butted in line to get a slice of Kevin. At 103 years of age Ken usurped our rightful place against the YouTube champ. Our sincerest hope is that Ken whips Kimbo and then we can finally euthanize the “World’s Most Dangerous Man” and relegate him to some MMA dinosaur exhibit. Maybe taxidermy him and Severn and place them on a rotating pedestal where they can endless circle each other.

If Ken proves to be more sham then rock and Fergi beats him, then the Slice hype grows even greater. Dude is already more myth then Sasquatch, Chupacabra and a ****ing unicorn combined. Kevin is the black Yeti.

Caught between a Shamrock and a hard place, Kevin has chosen the old over the new; the past over the future. But Fergi… the hard place is coming. By putting us off, making us wait will only make matters worse. There is nothing business about it anymore. Kimbo made it a point to go frontin’ to our boys at Big Black. But that street thug B.S. might work well with the fan bois and the Internet dorks who think your street cred means something; but Son… Brett comes from Cabrini Green; the worst 12 blocks of America. Compared to that your street is Sesame Street. So you can say it is very personal between Brett and Fergi.

One thing is for certain....Rogers camp knows how to generate a little hype of their least it was some entertaining hype......'Black Yeti'.....:flame:

Someone somewhere commented that this is starting to look like the MMA version of the movie 'The Great White Hype'.....
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Fights have just started...

Breaking news: While warming up this afternoon, Ken Shamrock somehow suffered a cut over his left eye that took 6 stiches to close. The doctor ruled that he couldn't fight...

Personally -- I've got a simple question. What the hell was Shamrock thinking doing ANYTHING this afternoon that could lead to a cut? (Side note: First round of the Hua/Radach fight was incredible!) Even Frank Shamrock was amazed at this turn of events! The day of a fight, you take it easy, you warm up easy, you use headgear, face protectors, you name it to avoid any dumb fluke injuries! Murphy's Law tells that if you give him a chance, a fluke is going to take you out of the fight...

I can't help but wonder about Shamrock's motives...
Who know Shamrock is over the hill and should just hang it up and train people.
After the "thug" attitude/refusal to touch gloves entrance of Kimbo, I was happy to see him go down.
This is the best way for Kimbo to get destroyed.....and worst for him and Elite XC.....they can't be happy about how that went down!

I guess it's back to guarding porn stars.
I'll admit, I was disappointed that the Kimbo/Shamrock fight didn't happen. I wonder if the promoters will try to make another fight happen. And I'm in agreement with Frank....what the hell are you doing, engaging in a sparring match prior to the fight? I'm sure there're other ways to warm up.
My thinking is at this point Kimbo Slice's days as a top draw are's one thing for Tim Sylvia to get hammered in less than a minute by's another for Kimbo to get slaughtered by.......what was his name again?

It just proves what everyone has been saying.....Kimbo has been protected by being thrown geriatric fighters......and Ken Shamrock getting cut was some REALLY BAD LUCK considering there was a semi-experienced LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT who wasn't over the hill there already warmed up to fight another fight.

Kimbo has been exposed as the most overhyped fighter in MMA.......not that the guy doesn't have some talent, but he was past his prime age wise before ever even beginning training in his age, this has to be his peak......well I think he's peaked!

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