killer instinct

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have nay og you guys seen demi barbitos killer instinct video from trs. It look very interesting. If any of you have seen it can they please tell me how he teaches you how to get the adrenalin rushing in your body. Like how do you get an adrenaline rush by dong something. Do nay of you know. if you do i wil really be thankful if you tell me.
Well, first of all, you cant just say...I want adrenaline NOW! and become superman. Adrenaline is shot into the system at certain points of high stress, or in situations your body thinks it will need the adrenaline to survive. It is not something you can just tap into. But im no doctor, so who knows.
Well, you can't get an adrenaline rush per se, but you can get a bit of a drive rush if you make yourself angrier.

Certain places or people will usually do it for me. It's risky though, you could end up making yourself sad instead and just give up.
Hey guys,With out starting any crazy controversy, its like this.In acting classes if you need to convey a particular emotion ,instead of acting or faking it, you try and bring up a simialar emotion from your past.Through what we call sense memory and different exercises we learn to get ourselves into a certain state.Its a lot deeper than "getting yourself angry" And yes , the goal is to learn to turn it on and off.Dont say it cant be done because thats how I make a living.We can debate the term Killer Instinct to death but its only a word.As an instructor my goal is to turn timid shy people into people that will stand their ground and fight back even if it goes against what is natural to them. Barry "Vegas Baby"

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