kicks question

TKD Kain

White Belt
I was wondering what the difference is between a hurricane kick and a tornado kick is. My chokyonim has me perform tornado kicks from one side of the basketball court to the other, and the difference would be helpful in my sparring.

Side question: How impressive is it for a 120lb (Flyweight Division) red belt to absorb a side kick from a 215lb yellow belt (Heavyweight)? :asian:
Honest answer: No clue! My system does tornado kicks (basically a jump spinning outside-to-inside crescent kick, with less emphasis on lifting the trail leg than a normal jumping kick). Hurricane kick: no clue. Maybe the Tatsu-maki-senpuken (the jump spinning kick Ryu and Ken do on Street Fighter II, :-D HAHAHAHA)? In all seriousness, does your style/system perform both kicks? If not, it could just be two names for the same kick (the first one I mentioned).
Side Question Response: Depends on how hard the yellow belt is kicking and if he knows what he is doing, but in short: pretty impressive.
Although we practice WTF poomse, where I learn is a "Karate Club", so we take movements from boxing, Shotokan, Escrima, and Hapkido. We also do some yoga exercises. One of the members has learned some Wing Chun, so we practice some Chi Sao as well. Maybe the Hurricane kick is just a TSD thing. I'll ask in that forum.
Although we practice WTF poomse, where I learn is a "Karate Club", so we take movements from boxing, Shotokan, Escrima, and Hapkido. We also do some yoga exercises. One of the members has learned some Wing Chun, so we practice some Chi Sao as well. Maybe the Hurricane kick is just a TSD thing. I'll ask in that forum.

Could you explain how you do the kicks? It is possible others know the same kicks, just with different names. For example, we have a "tornado" kick which is basically a turn, jump roundhouse kick. (someone else mentioned a similar kick but with a crescent, which we call "butterfly") Other people probably do the same kicks you are talking about, but just call them something different.
I was wondering what the difference is between a hurricane kick and a tornado kick is. My chokyonim has me perform tornado kicks from one side of the basketball court to the other, and the difference would be helpful in my sparring.
A description would be helpful here. I imagine the difference if the kicks look similar is the attacking tool (striking surface) or the actual kicks involved. (Side vs crescent etc)

Side question: How impressive is it for a 120lb (Flyweight Division) red belt to absorb a side kick from a 215lb yellow belt (Heavyweight)? :asian:
Depends on how well the yellow belt did the kick. :mst:
The yellow belt kicks pretty hard. We've taught him well on executing a side kick. I really don't know how I learned to absorb blows, so I guess it's natural.
Also if you look on the TSD forum they've answered my question under kick question.
The guy is built like a boxer and is 6'6". I'm 5'4". Also, when we have beginners or a lot of girls in class, they're always afraid of hurting a "little guy". Then I try to get in a demonstration of a side kick to get rid of those fears.(the students, not mine.)
The yellow belt kicks pretty hard. We've taught him well on executing a side kick. I really don't know how I learned to absorb blows, so I guess it's natural.
As long as your abs hold up, and you're braced so you don't fall over, you're good.
I passed my brown belt test last night with flying colors. Now I have six months to go until I test for black belt. I can't wait.