"Ki" Energy


Green Belt
I am learning so much about "Ki" energy and fully believe it. I practiced Tai Chi for a summer (very recreational) but the Instructor was amazing and able to use hi "Chi" energy to generate a tremendous amount of heat in his hands. You could FEEL the heat -- almost like putting your hands near a fire. It was amazing and made a believer out of me.

As I am studying Combat Hapkido, the issue of Ki Energy has come up again and there is use of the "Ki Finger" (probably a more technical name for it), etc. I want to learn more and I want to learn how to harness this energy.

I would love to learn what Martial Talk readers know about the topic of Ki. I would like to know how you learned about it and what resources you might recommend to a newbie.

I feel like Ki Energy would be a very vital and powerful component. Share you resources and experiences and I would be MOST grateful.
As far as ki goes it's development can be of great benefit to ones well being. For self defense purposes I would not rely on any such thing. It's nice to see things like the hot hands andthey are great for a bit of a dog and pony show but are of very little value when your life is on the line
I'll leave it there for now

but are of very little value when your life is on the line..Sam:asian:

I must agree and disagree..To rely totally on Ki or Chi would not be a good thing...However I have been able to summon tremendous power when I struggling with a suspect and didn't have the full range to deliver a full strike..It wasn't adleneline as I didn't shake afterwards. I gave this jerk a palm heel strike to the chest and he swore I hit him with my baton...I personally do not know of any books that talk about cultivation of Chi, perhaps a Google search...
I guess if you want to know about Qi (I promise XS I will stop typing Chi), ask XS coz I think he is one who can help you understand for sure.

As per my opinion...well, I have always liked thinking it this way. If a Master can create a great energy that can influence your body and such and such and such and such...why creating so many Martial Arts??? All you need to do is touching with your Almighty hand a part of the opponent to win the fight. I do a Martial Art which is supposed to use Qi. But trust me, if you miss timing, good positioning and correct form/movement there is no Qi that can help you fixing what you just messed up.
As per Qi in health, yes I do believe it exists and it can be used to cure and slowly bring back good health to people.
I do a Martial Art which is supposed to use Qi. But trust me, if you miss timing, good positioning and correct form/movement there is no Qi that can help you fixing what you just messed up.

This statement, which a strong element of truth, is a clear indication of why so many 'westerners' struggle with the concept of Qi. Qi is not actually separate from anything else it is a part of it. As Xue pointed out no Qi equals dead. Timing, good positioning, and correct movement are those things that generate Qi.

To look at it from a somewhat more classical position.

In every action, the Yi (wisdom mind) is generated first, and the Qi naturally follows. This Qi energizes the physical body and manifests the Jin.

Use your Yi to lead your Qi.

Shen is the spirit of fighting. When the spirit is raised, the Yi is strong and the Qi can be full and abundant. When you have enough Qi to energize the physical body, your Li (muscular power) will naturally be strong. Therefore, when these four items unite and are activated to high level, you will become a formidable combatant.

-The Expounding of Baguazhang Techniques

Take these things as you like.
Having recently been an acupuncture patient, I'm convinced that Qi or something like it exists.

I've also experienced the "burning hands" demonstration, as well. My instructor said that not everybody is sensitive enough to feel the sensation. Another time I was doing punching drills with another black belt who is about my size (read: two big guys generating a lot of power) and we were simultaneously punching at each other's fists, stopping only 1/2" apart. I could feel the "shock wave" of energy from his punch, even though we didn't touch. We both felt it.

However, the feelings were no more than a "sensation" and I couldn't imagine being incapacitated by them, unless my subconscious was pre-programmed to respond to that sensation. So for a practical level, I generally associate a physical type of "Qi" energy with kinetic energy. (I suppose you could call that "K.E."!) What is the fastest, most efficient way to transfer energy to your opponent? Envisioning that as a "force" helps me to learn to focus it on one point.

I'm not sure if it's related to the same stuff that was manipulated with acupuncture, but it might be.
I do believe in Qi. Not in a mystical "I will throw a Qi Ball at you and toss you across the room with it" sort of way, but in the biophysical energy sort of way Xue mentioned.

We do lots of Qigong exercises in my current school, but did more Qi focused stuff in my previous school. I can feel it. I can feel the heat in my hands, I can feel that "polarization" when I put my hands close to each other. Even regular exercise produces that energy, at least for me.

I think it can be used for healing, directing energy as in Reiki, or through accupressure and other forms of "unblocking" stagnant Qi in the body.
There are so many aspects to it. But you can't rely solely on Qi, you have to train. I have been on the receiving end of of a "light" strike backed by Qi that felt a hell of a whole lot harder than it physically was. Using Qi that way is learning to direct and project the energy developed but it doesn't negate proper technique.

We did an exercise a few times at my previous school. One at a time, students were blindfolded and our Sifu scattered various objects about the floor. We were to walk across the room blindfolded and stop at close as possible to the opposing wall without touching it or anything in our path. It was very interesting to see what you could sense without looking. Is that using Qi? I think so. It's feeling your energy bounce off an object so to speak, alerting you to it's presence. But I don't believe in any mysticism regarding the development and/or use of Qi in that way, just learning how to harness our biophysical energy and use it to our advantage. Same goes for health issues if we understand blockages and how to "free" them.

I'm obviously no expert, but those are my thoughts with the limited knowledge/understanding I have of Qi.