Ki Cho Hyung Question

Young Warrior

Yellow Belt
Hey Ya'll,

I know that ur are gonna bash me for this but in Ki Cho Hyung the 6th form is it a double jump kick or just a jump kick for oneside before repeating it to the other side.???
Hey Ya'll,

I know that ur are gonna bash me for this but in Ki Cho Hyung the 6th form is it a double jump kick or just a jump kick for oneside before repeating it to the other side.???

I only know of three Kee Cho Hyungs - Il Bo, Ee Bo and Sam Boo. In the book I have that's all as well. Does it have another name?
The kicho hyung in KSW is NOT the taikyoku/kibon/kicho forms used in karate and TKD/TSD. It's much more dynamic and soft.

YW, it's literally been decades since I dabbled with Kuk Sool, but I don't remember Kicho being the 6th form. It was the first one taught to white belts. Looking for a rendition on Youtube reveals a performance pretty close to what I recall learning. Is this familiar to you?

I only know of three Kee Cho Hyungs - Il Bo, Ee Bo and Sam Boo. In the book I have that's all as well. Does it have another name?
Kuk sool won basic white belt form 6 parts the last #6 is crescent kick with a full turn round jump crescent kick

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