Who knows what about Ki? Obviously, you can't post everything you know about it but, I would like to see who develops it. It is my opinion that soft arts train inside out, and hard arts train outside in. Meaning that soft arts focus on the spirit early on, and the hard arts develop it later, once their understanding of their bodies and their art has developed.
Basically I just wanted to start an open discussion about the subject. I don't know a whole lot about ki, as I am still somewhat new to the concept.
The question for my personal information that I would like to pose in this post is this: I often enter a state in which my body prepares for fighting. Recently, I have begun to accidently slip into a sub-state of this. I get the feeling that My body is ready for anything, and that I could perform at my best. Would you say that this has any basis in ki, or is it all natural. My body doing the natural gear up with adrenaline and such?
Opinions, facts, general thought and question are all welcomed and appreciated.
Basically I just wanted to start an open discussion about the subject. I don't know a whole lot about ki, as I am still somewhat new to the concept.
The question for my personal information that I would like to pose in this post is this: I often enter a state in which my body prepares for fighting. Recently, I have begun to accidently slip into a sub-state of this. I get the feeling that My body is ready for anything, and that I could perform at my best. Would you say that this has any basis in ki, or is it all natural. My body doing the natural gear up with adrenaline and such?
Opinions, facts, general thought and question are all welcomed and appreciated.