Kerry Creates Jobs 2 months before being elected!

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This is kind of a feel good thing (To me anyway).


Original story on the firing:

While I am being a little facietous(sp?) with the title of the thread, I had to voice that I'm p*ssed off that someone gets fired for a stupid sticker on their car.

The woman in the article is a true hero to me, because she was willing to lose her job in order to stand up for her rights!
Thank you for the link. I skipped by it the first 2 or 3 times I looked at this thread.

Isn't America just a wonderful country,that we continue to have states like Alabama.

I heard an interesting report about the Alabama Republican Delegation at a National Convention a few years back. Seems one of the members said that "Jesse Helms just isn't Conservative enough".

Lest we forget, Alabama is also home to Judge Roy Moore. The Judge's point of view is reported shared by more than 80 % of Alabamians.

Thanks again. Mike
Interesting article.....remind me to remove Alabama from my list of potential new homes.

Having been in management for as many years as I was...

Without being there to see it... I can only offer opinion based on what she claims to have said... I think she was fired for lipping off, not for the sticker. The Situtaion of the sticker probably started the confrontation with a closed minded boss, but her actual confrontation and subsequent argumnet with him regarding the sticker is probably what ticked him off enough to fire her.
Technopunk said:

Having been in management for as many years as I was...

Without being there to see it... I can only offer opinion based on what she claims to have said... I think she was fired for lipping off, not for the sticker. The Situtaion of the sticker probably started the confrontation with a closed minded boss, but her actual confrontation and subsequent argumnet with him regarding the sticker is probably what ticked him off enough to fire her.
That is my exact assessment of what happened. If I were in the same situation, I would have done the same thing. To me it's a matter of principle. I wouldn't allow anyone to tell me what I can or cannot display on My property, and if given an ultimatum, I will surely side with my rights over the feelings of an employer.
I can not substantiate this claim ... but it follows, doesn't it?

Posted on Altercation -

Name: Brian Spears
Hometown: San Francisco CA
Dear Doc,
Don't know if anyone else has passed along this little beauty of a story, but in Alabama, a lady named Lynne Gobbell lost her job because she refused to remove a Kerry/Edwards bumpersticker from her private automobile. The story is here.
To add insult to injury, the owner of the company, one Phil Gaddis, was including the following flier in with his employees' paychecks. It read

Just so you will know, because of the Bush tax (cut):

I was able to buy the new Hammer Mill
I was able to finance our receivables
I was able to get the new CAT skid steer
I was able to get the wire cutter
I was able to give you a job

It further says:

You got the benefit of the Bush tax cut. Everyone did.

Any chance that Bush's tax cut will help cover the wrongful termination suit? I wonder how crazy the SCLM would be if this were a Democratic employer and a Bushite employee?
That's a bad, arrogant, stupid boss, of whom there are too many.

First off, trust me--this is not the only area in which this guy's a dork. Sooner or later, he's going to get slapped--quite properly, too--with a hostile work environment suit, for consistently giving women and minority folks crap.

Second, of course this was about her bumper sticker, which is absolutely none of his damn business. The argument that she got canned for lipping off is wrong, because any Human Resources person will tell you that it is extremely unwise to dump somebody because of a single incident, ESPECIALLY one in which the boss is in the wrong. By the way--ever wonder why we never get stories of liberals and left-wingers pulling this repressive crap on people?

Third off, good managers deal with such issues very differently. For one thing, they try to deal with them privately and politely first of all--it's just good business.

And last--this is pretty much what I'd expect from rabid Bush supporters. This is the crowd that attacks the patriotism and service of folks like Kerry and Cleland, screams like the wounded loons they are when anybody sees America differently, runs around panicked about the Lesbians In Our Schools, freaks out about teaching the science of evolution in biology classes, and generally spends their time sticking their collective nose into everybody else's business.

And, oh yes--shoves the country into utterly irresponsible tax cuts and spending, while cheering on a stupid and unnecessary war in Iraq.

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