KenpoTalk seeks your content!

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
KenpoTalk, the newest member of the MartialTalk family is looking for content for the main kenpotalk site.

Our desire is to become one of the largest central repositories of Kenpo history, information and archives.

We are seeking information on
- Family Trees
- History
- Pictures
- Biographies
- Technique Write Ups
- And More.

If you have anything you would like to contribute, please send it to webmaster (at) (replace at with the @)

All content must be legally displayable.
Full credit to submitters and sources will be given on all contributions.

Any questions, please, ask away.

Thank you!
- Bob

(Don't forget to also check out the new forums. Official Grand Opening is only a few weeks away, so enjoy the sneak peak.) :D
when finally opens to the public, will everything in kenpo/kempo forums be transferred to domain.?

Good question. :)

The answer is no. I did think about doing that, but I'm unable to find an easy way to reliably do that. What we're planning on doing is keeping the existing content and forums on MT active, but have the latest MT kenpo threads show up as an RSS feed on the main KT page. With almost 4 years worth of postings here, we're also going to be pulling a "best of" for the KT research pages. :)
As far as the technique write ups, are you asking for people to submit their different versions of techniques as they may have been taught or are currently teaching?
Good question. Both I think would fit. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to organize the techniques. I was going to do it by belt level, but noticed a few of the listings will have the odd technique moved around a bit, renamed or removed/added.
Honestly? It's pretty empty right now. I've gotten permission to mirror content from a few sites, it's just taking me time to integrate it into the layout.

I'll also be combing the forums here for intel as well.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Honestly? It's pretty empty right now. I've gotten permission to mirror content from a few sites, it's just taking me time to integrate it into the layout.

I'll also be combing the forums here for intel as well.
Sounds like a lot of work.

You guys heard the man! It's empty... start looking for content!!!!!!!

You may want to look at Josh's site. He has a comparison of the Tracy/EPAK 32/24/16 Technique Charts that is sweet. Look under the Flame.

Kaith Rustaz said:
Good question. Both I think would fit. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to organize the techniques. I was going to do it by belt level, but noticed a few of the listings will have the odd technique moved around a bit, renamed or removed/added.
Well, if I can be of any help at all with my hibrid system, please don't hesitate to ask.
Hi Bob,

I just e-mailed some photos to you at the address (per your request). The e-mail is from my account with my real first name (Jynne). I wanted to get them to you on Friday, but had to wait until I got permission from some VIPs first. I hope you enjoy them & that they (whichever ones you choose) will make a nice addition to the collage & show some of the "flavors of Kenpo."

Gin-Gin :asian:
Interesting. I was taught by Al Tracy himself many, many years ago. He had a solid body back then. We used to freestyle very roughly.
I held a board for him to break at a TV studio back in the old days.