I just saw an old interview to Larry Tatum, I think from the 80's maybe late 70's and really got me, Mr. Tatum talks about the natural way the american kenpo it's and how the natural moves form the person can be modified with little effort to make kenpo worth afther one just single class.
My sensei once told me that my Kenpo will be diferent from his Kenpo cause my Kenpo will fits me like a glove and I am way diferent from him.
I want to be so proficient with my body trough kenpo that can't hardly wait to master the simple moves.
Hi Manny,
Mr. Parker discusses this a bit in his Infinite Insights, I think it's Volume One. He talks about how the movement of brushing your hair can translate into an upward elbow strike into someone's face, stuff like that.
Personally, I think it's a bit of an oversimplification. There are certainly many motions you might use to brush your hair, that could not translate into any kind of effective self defense movement.
Linking these kinds of activities and movements is something that one can do in hindsight, with the right kind of experience. It's my opinion that without a certain level of experience, you would never be able to make this kind of connection, without someone specifically pointing it out to you.
Self defense movements need to be done in specific ways to maximize their effect on an enemy, and to avoid injury to yourself. You need guidance in order to get it right. I would not avise you to start looking for self defense applications in everything that you do in life. Later, down the road, once you are more experienced with it, you might engage in this on a theoretical level, and the mental exercise may, or may not, give you some kind of benefit. I don't personally believe it will, but some people may disagree with me.