Kenpo Kards?


2nd Black Belt
Just came across this app for my phone - Kenpo Kards - supposedly designed by Ed Parker's son, Ed Parker Jnr (also available for pads as well) and was curious if anyone has used this app did they find it useful. Basically it isn't a cheap app and before I drop the money for it I would like to know:

- What does it actually tell you about the Techniques?
- Is it a useful aid?
- Is it worth the money?

I would download a lite version to trial it, but there does not seem to be one available for my phone, therefore you guys were my next port of call. So if anyone actually has this or has used it could they explain it to me and help me make up my mind whether to buy it or not?

Thanks. :)
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I haven't used them in any of my training but having seen them they could definitely be a useful tool. And Parker, Jr. did a great job with the artwork. If you wanted to randomize a workout you could certainly draw a few cards from the deck to get your WOD.

That said they don't teach the actual techniques. The card will give you a break down of important principles, which areas that the tech pulls from the Web of Knowledge, etc.