Kenpo Karate Training - Lexington, OH


MTS Alumni
Located at the Spirit of Ohio Sports Academy
235 Lexington-Industrial Dr.
Lexington, OH 44904

Teaching Ed Parker's Kenpo through the Planas lineage.
All classes taught by 4th Degree BB, Jason Farnsworth.

Classes are monday & wednesday evening. Kid's classes are 5:30-6. 6-6:30. Adult classes are from 6:30-8.

On the first thursday of the month, there is an open class for all kenpoist to join in with us. Past students, current students, future students are welcome to come join us. Regardless of kenpo style, rank, or affiliation. We get on the mat & train.

New class just added.
Every monday night from 8-9, I have added a sparring & fitness class. This class focuses on sparring, sparring concepts, kicks, kicking drills, & combinations. We bring in the fitness for those looking to lose weight, get fit, or just stay active.

If you have any questions please feel free to PM me. At least title it kenpo or something