Kenpo Karambit Association

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California Penal Code

653k. Every person who possesses in the passenger's or driver's
area of any motor vehicle in any public place or place open to the
public, carries upon his or her person, and every person who sells,
offers for sale, exposes for sale, loans, transfers, or gives to any
other person a switchblade knife having a blade two or more inches in
length is guilty of a misdemeanor.
For the purposes of this section, "switchblade knife" means a
knife having the appearance of a pocketknife and includes a
spring-blade knife, snap-blade knife, gravity knife or any other
similar type knife, the blade or blades of which are two or more
inches in length and which can be released automatically by a flick
of a button, pressure on the handle, flip of the wrist or other
mechanical device, or is released by the weight of the blade or by
any type of mechanism whatsoever. "Switchblade knife" does not
include a knife that opens with one hand utilizing thumb pressure
applied solely to the blade of the knife or a thumb stud attached to
the blade, provided that the knife has a detent or other mechanism
that provides resistance that must be overcome in opening the blade,
or that biases the blade back toward its closed position.
For purposes of this section, "passenger's or driver's area" means
that part of a motor vehicle which is designed to carry the driver
and passengers, including any interior compartment or space therein.


12020. (a) Any person in this state who does any
of the following is punishable by imprisonment in
a county jail not exceeding one year or in the
state prison:
(a)(4) Carries concealed upon his or her person any
dirk or dagger.
(c)(24) As used in this section, a
"dirk" or "dagger" means a knife or other
instrument with or without a handguard that is
capable of ready use as a stabbing weapon that
may inflict great bodily injury or death.
A nonlocking folding knife, a folding knife that
is not prohibited by Section 653k [switchblade], or
a pocketknife is capable of ready use as a stabbing
weapon that may inflict great bodily injury or
death only if the blade of the knife is exposed
and locked into position.
(d) Knives carried in sheaths which are worn openly
suspended from the waist of the wearer are not
concealed within the meaning of this section

This was all I saw, well this and something about a blade launcher. Does anyone else know the California knife or gun laws? Can you provide a link, please?

EDIT: Oops, looks like everyone was posting while I was looking this up. Thanks for the link Arnisador
According to 12020 of the California Penal Code, anything that you could stab someone with is considered a knife, up and including Sharpened #2 Pencils, ChopSticks, etc.

Yikes I'm glad I don't live in Cali.
Luckily, I live in a state without specific laws regulating knife carry. Knives are, for the most part, considered tools by law enforcement, at least in rural Southern Utah. I work in the local county jail, and I have booked numerous people, on various charges, who had balisongs and automatic (switchblade) knives on their person. The only ones charged with possession of dangerous weapons have been those with violent criminal charges. Technically, knives fall under our dangerous weapons statute, but it seems that our local law enforcement are gifted with an extraordinary amount of common sense. Something not so common these days.
... dagger, including but not limited to a dirk, stilletto, and poniard;

This includes half sharpened blades along the back of the blade.

They are illegal in Texas. Most throwing knives also fall in this catagory, and are specifically mentioned anyway.

A blade designed for thrusting specifically is a weapon as v. a tool. That is why you have "dirk, stilletto, and poniard." If you look for specific definitions of these blades you see they are intended for thrusting. A Poiniard can theoretically be triangular in shape and was used to pierce chinks in medivial armor to administer a coup d' grace.

I wonder if sai's fall into a poiniard catagory, even if this was not thier function? Hmm....
Originally posted by Bill Lear
Then it's your word against his, and the legal bills aren't worth the trouble in my book.
Just a thought,
Billy :asian:

Excellent points Mr. Lear.

However, FYI everyone I offer a program (I'm an agent for a company, it is not just me doing this) which for about $17/mo allows you to contact your attorney if you are being detained by the police. Even at 3am.

This could limit your legal bills and your hassle to $17/mo. Just a thought. I won't post more info, anyone may contact me if they are interested.
Originally posted by KENPOJOE
Hi Seig!
It was a pleasure to finally meet you,Tess, and your students at the IKC! I'm sure that no malice was intended by Mr. Collado's statements,rather a sincere willingness to exchange infornation and "share the wealth" as it were!
We always suffer with a medium that is hackled by not being able to convey intonation and "the spirit" of the post.
BTW, while we are on a weapons topic, I saw one of your students [I believe] with Katana performing iaijutsu/iaido kata, was that your guy?
The gentleman with the katana is a friend of mine that routinely works out at my school. He also journeyed with us to the IKC. However, he is not m student. He is a good friend that is a balck belt in Shorin-Ryu under Pete Jorgenson.
Originally posted by kenpohands
I am proud to announce the formation of the Kenpo Karambit Association. The co-founders are myself and Steve Tarani. The concept behind the KKA is the ancient blade of Karambit meets the modern day concepts and principles of Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate.
I have merged my 30 years experience with Tarani's karambit applications and have developed a system that ANY kenpoist can addapt to. No major modifications needed to manuver the Karambit around within the Kenpo System. I will be forming classes in Glendora open to all Kenpoist all ranks.
Visit for more information.
If you are interested in joining a class or the KKA contact me at
Angelo Collado

Great web site and I love the patch.