White Belt
For those which do not know Kenpo Kai there is an article in the Karate Bushido magazine, Nº345 of May 2006 in pages 76 and 77.- Oh, so you also like martial arts. I do Kenpo kai.
- KenÂ… what? What the hell is that?
You can also find some information if you check the Wikipedia: Kenpo Kai

And for the rest, I'll be introducing this art here in this forum.

- Traditional Japanese MA.
- IKKO (International Kenpo Kai Organization) chaired by Kaicho Ohashi
- EKKO (European Kenpo Kai Organization) chaired by Shihan Vidal
- Two flavours: Traditional Kenpo Kai and Combat Kenpo Kai
- About 65000 practitioners all over the world (where do they hide?)
- Developed within the Ishizaka family
- Third most practised Kenpo style in Japan
- Learning of traditional weapons
- A way of personal development
- Reserved for a few people in the past
- Open to the whole world nowadays
- Based on the Ken No Ri and the Bushido code
- The art of the Shaolin Samurai