Kenpo is alive and well in Star Wars!

call it a sick sense of humor but when he picked up that helmet i was waiting for the head to come rolling out to a dull thud LOL

Actually, when the helmet is cut off, as it goes flying, just before it lands I believe I saw something exit it and go off screen. Was real quick, so I cant be certain.

Back to the theater I go, for viewing number 5. The things I do for you people, really.....

Hey Mr. C, I loved the Master/Apprentice relationship. Obi-wan and Anakin reminds me of myself when I get out of line, except you never see Obi-wan slap Anakin around like you do to me ha ha.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Actually, when the helmet is cut off, as it goes flying, just before it lands I believe I saw something exit it and go off screen. Was real quick, so I cant be certain.

Back to the theater I go, for viewing number 5. The things I do for you people, really.....


You are a man of true sacrifice!
The best part was Yoda paying tribute to the great jedi master ed parker by the way he posed his hands!
Originally posted by RCastillo

Dark Side: Translation, Dennis Conatser is the Dark Side.:jedi1:
Say the word Master and I shall do your bidding!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Yoda whispered .... "Kenpo is with me"


Wouldn't he have said "With me, Kenpo is?"
That's it ... turn in your pocket protector.
Only seen this movie twice, so far, but enjoyed it both times!!

And GD7, wouldn't you say......"2nd Degree Black, Kirk is now"?

Man, the levels that I have to aspire to......!!!!

So, yeah, everyone's talking about Yoda, and Anakin, and Obi-Wan.....but you can't knock Mace Windu, either. I think he was pretty darn good with his techniques, and even better, kept his cool quite well. Not to mention that he got a lot of good lines...."This party's OVER"......"I don't THINK so".....AND he got to put Jango down *decisively*. Nice job, Mace!!

Anybody else notice yet another Kenpo/Jedi connection: The Jedi council chamber is set up as a circle, with Jedi sitting in key points on the "compass"......isn't that kind of like the description of the circle element on the patch/crest?

Okay, maybe TOO much thought there.....but give me time, and I will find more...;)

maybe lucas used kenpo for his reference in making the jedi ;) alot of artist use real world for reference creating fantasy and their are alot of "coinkidinks" just a thought
Who here has seen the art work drawn by Ed Parker Jr. of Huk Planas made up to look like Yoda?
It is awesome!!
He also did Gil Hibben like Obi-Wan!

Both were done for the Birthday Bash 2 years ago.
I have seen the pics on Mugs and t-shirts now too.

:jedi1: :jedi1: :jedi1:
Originally posted by Roland

Who here has seen the art work drawn by Ed Parker Jr. of Huk Planas made up to look like Yoda?
It is awesome!!
He also did Gil Hibben like Obi-Wan!

Both were done for the Birthday Bash 2 years ago.
I have seen the pics on Mugs and t-shirts now too.

Oh that's too kewl! Would love to see 'em!