Kenpo demo in the Netherlands


Orange Belt
Yesterday evening we did a demo at the sportsgala 2008 of the city of Nieuwegein. We were invited to do this by the sportscounsil, and had a great time preparing for it en doing it on stage in front of a crowd of about 300 people.

A big thanks to the participants and the parents of the kids in the demo, who all showed up for our support!!

Cool! Looks like you really had a great crowd to perform in front of!

Were the strong lights distracting, or not because they were behind you?
Thanks for the compliment!

The lights behind were no problem. But usually at the end of my staff form I throw my staff a lot higher into the air. If I had done that here, I would have been looking right into one of those huge lights shining straight into my face ;-) That would probably have been nice for comic relief, but not quite what we were looking for.

Thanks again,

Thank you, sir. Is there a name for the staff form? I really liked the demo presented here.

Thanks again.

[edit post: no offense but thanked arnisador mistakenly. I wanted to thank nlkenpo...sorry beginners luck.]
Thanks for the kind words.

I call the form the Katsudo Staff form since it is my personal form, which consists of parts of staffset 1, staffset 2, a form that was created by Joe Foster from Canada and some of my own additions. The beginning I learned in China.

Our students will have to learn this form for their black belt.

Thanks for the follow up, sir. I have saved the youtube link to my favorites. I am practicing the bo staff and would consider it an honor if you allow me to use it as a training tool.

I think it needs to be said that beyond the staff from that I am so impressed with that I am as deeply impressed with the overall work with the rest of the demonstation. You have a fine art and represent it in a very prestigious manner. Your students are to be commended.