but i think cross training benefits anyone.
I agree with this. As I've said in other posts, people could view their training a few different ways. For example...
1) They could be content with their training on face value. Work the material thats in the system, over and over and over, and never look at anything else. They're content with the punch defenses, the grappling defenses, the weapon defenses, etc.
2) Work the material, but dont be afraid to look outside of the box. Begin to examine the material and make sure that it makes sense to you. Can you do it with the utmost confidence? Will it work against someone trained in a specific area? Perhaps take a look at BJJ and an art, such as the FMAs, that specialize in weapons. Will your Kenpo takedown defense work against someone trained in BJJ? If so, great. If not, then figure out why not.
For me, I'm in the #2 group. I train the basics of BJJ. I'm not ranked, nor do I choose to be. IMO, its not the color of the belt thats gonna save my ***, its the skill set. I am ranked in Arnis. I've found that by having more weapons knowledge, that I'm more in-tune to the defenses, and I've often compared the FMA and Kenpo defenses. Personally, I favor the ones from Arnis.
I've never told anyone that they must cross train, instead, I've told people the importance of looking outside the box, and forming their own opinions on things, rather than listening to someone who's telling you, "Yes, yes, yes, these defenses WILL work!!!" Umm...thats fine...but I dont care if they work for you, I want them to work for ME, as *I* will be the one doing them to save myself.
Anyways, keep up the good work with your training. Your profile says that you're ranked in Kenpo and BJJ, so its obvious that you're into cross training, and IMO, thats a good thing.