So ... you are swaggering in here doing one of two things: either you are accusing someone you don't know of something you clearly know very little about, OR you are baiting me and any other non-WHRDA students of this art by posting very inflammatory comments.
My money is on the chance that this is simply bait.
I would ask you, if you were to train with, say, Funakoshi and lived in the dojo, ate, breathed and drank all that he had to teach, forsake all else in life, essentially, and trained with the best of the best of his students as well, received rank from this man several times over for YEARS, made a martial arts movie with his family members and the other same people ... and then one day have a feud of such proportions that you must separate yourself from this clan and go off on your own without recognition of ANY of your accomplishments, your efforts, your devotion - in fact, receive complete disownment and must deal with the utter disgrace of the public notice that you hold NO rank in the clan whatsoever ... does this make YOU a fraud?
Would you then have no right to teach anyone anything?
Would you really be a fraud?
Would your certificates be worthless? Your knowledge? Your experience?
If this were you ... what would you do, exactly?
Perhaps it would do you well to read back on other threads about HRD here, as well as read OTHER webpages on the internet regarding the World Hwa Rang Do Association and the exodus of skilled martial artists at a certain time in recent history. The Last Legionary posted one. You might also want to check out
I think the most respectful and admirable thing a person can do is to quietly go about their business, seeking truth in real people rather than a webpage, perhaps enduring negativity thrust upon them by ridiculous strangers on an internet chat board.