Ken Corona Hwarangdo?

Ken Corona is not registered with the World Hwa Rang Do Association as far as I can tell, an as such has no right to claim to be an instructor or HRD, let alone a Master. Check for yourselves:

He may be a good martial artist, but was not trained by Kuk Sa Nim Doo Joo Nim - the current Grandmaster, nor by any other certifed HRD teacher as far as I can tell. HRD is trademarked and you can't just go and open a a school and call it HRD - good way to get sued.
My friend,

You do realize that you've resurrected a three-year dead thread? I've only given the thread a quick review -- but it seems like there's a good chance that he's separated from the World Hwa Rang Do Association.

I'm not at all certain that equates to being a fraud.
Ken Corona is not registered with the World Hwa Rang Do Association as far as I can tell, an as such has no right to claim to be an instructor or HRD, let alone a Master. Check for yourselves:

He may be a good martial artist, but was not trained by Kuk Sa Nim Doo Joo Nim - the current Grandmaster, nor by any other certifed HRD teacher as far as I can tell. HRD is trademarked and you can't just go and open a a school and call it HRD - good way to get sued.

Update - the guy is a fraud. You can see him on ... listed as a WHITE BELT NOT CERTIFIED TO TEACH. I met one of his so called students today and hadn't heard of him so I started digging. Shame on him for still claiming to be an internationally recognized Master in HRD.

So ... you are swaggering in here doing one of two things: either you are accusing someone you don't know of something you clearly know very little about, OR you are baiting me and any other non-WHRDA students of this art by posting very inflammatory comments.

My money is on the chance that this is simply bait.


I would ask you, if you were to train with, say, Funakoshi and lived in the dojo, ate, breathed and drank all that he had to teach, forsake all else in life, essentially, and trained with the best of the best of his students as well, received rank from this man several times over for YEARS, made a martial arts movie with his family members and the other same people ... and then one day have a feud of such proportions that you must separate yourself from this clan and go off on your own without recognition of ANY of your accomplishments, your efforts, your devotion - in fact, receive complete disownment and must deal with the utter disgrace of the public notice that you hold NO rank in the clan whatsoever ... does this make YOU a fraud?

Would you then have no right to teach anyone anything?

Would you really be a fraud?

Would your certificates be worthless? Your knowledge? Your experience?

If this were you ... what would you do, exactly?

Perhaps it would do you well to read back on other threads about HRD here, as well as read OTHER webpages on the internet regarding the World Hwa Rang Do Association and the exodus of skilled martial artists at a certain time in recent history. The Last Legionary posted one. You might also want to check out

I think the most respectful and admirable thing a person can do is to quietly go about their business, seeking truth in real people rather than a webpage, perhaps enduring negativity thrust upon them by ridiculous strangers on an internet chat board.

The "judicial" page cited states Mr. Corona was "reduced to white belt in 2001" that implies he was much higher ranked. (Who would care if a yellow belt for instance was "reduced to white belt"? No offense to yellow belts intended)

In the eyes of the WHRDA he has become meaningless (no offense to white belts intended)...but yet the organization STILL feels the need to mention him on their website after 8 years?

I have never met the gentleman, but have heard nothing but good things about him for many years.

An organization may decide it does not recognize the rank it formerly bestowed upon someone. The lack of organizational rank recognition does not mean the person's skills evaporated or were never present in the first place.
Update - the guy is a fraud. You can see him on ... listed as a WHITE BELT NOT CERTIFIED TO TEACH. I met one of his so called students today and hadn't heard of him so I started digging. Shame on him for still claiming to be an internationally recognized Master in HRD.

As you can see it looks like he went his way and their was a falling out. Big deal happens in a lot of organizations.

I am sure he is qualified to teach his particular skill sets.
So ... you are swaggering in here doing one of two things: either you are accusing someone you don't know of something you clearly know very little about, OR you are baiting me and any other non-WHRDA students of this art by posting very inflammatory comments.

My money is on the chance that this is simply bait.


I would ask you, if you were to train with, say, Funakoshi and lived in the dojo, ate, breathed and drank all that he had to teach, forsake all else in life, essentially, and trained with the best of the best of his students as well, received rank from this man several times over for YEARS, made a martial arts movie with his family members and the other same people ... and then one day have a feud of such proportions that you must separate yourself from this clan and go off on your own without recognition of ANY of your accomplishments, your efforts, your devotion - in fact, receive complete disownment and must deal with the utter disgrace of the public notice that you hold NO rank in the clan whatsoever ... does this make YOU a fraud?

Would you then have no right to teach anyone anything?

Would you really be a fraud?

Would your certificates be worthless? Your knowledge? Your experience?

If this were you ... what would you do, exactly?

Perhaps it would do you well to read back on other threads about HRD here, as well as read OTHER webpages on the internet regarding the World Hwa Rang Do Association and the exodus of skilled martial artists at a certain time in recent history. The Last Legionary posted one. You might also want to check out

I think the most respectful and admirable thing a person can do is to quietly go about their business, seeking truth in real people rather than a webpage, perhaps enduring negativity thrust upon them by ridiculous strangers on an internet chat board.


[FONT=&quot]Wow…I just don’t understand why all of the animosity and accusations of someone this Mr. Patrick (if that's his real name) clearly doesn’t know. This boy obviously didn’t read the whole thread, and is either dumb, ignorant, or mis-informed. Don’t know what the motivation is for attacking a total stranger. (Is he going to attack Bob, Gil and Klaus next?) Man, people sure get brave and cocky behind the anonymity of the internet. Why can’t people just let sleeping dogs lie…[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]WowÂ…I just donÂ’t understand why all of the animosity and accusations of someone this Mr. Patrick (if that's his real name) clearly doesnÂ’t know. This boy obviously didnÂ’t read the whole thread, and is either dumb, ignorant, or mis-informed. DonÂ’t know what the motivation is for attacking a total stranger. (Is he going to attack Bob, Gil and Klaus next?) Man, people sure get brave and cocky behind the anonymity of the internet. Why canÂ’t people just let sleeping dogs lieÂ…[/FONT]

Oh, sir. If only. When you have time and are *really* bored, please check out the traditional ninjutsu section of the board where the validity of the Bujinkan and Geninkan and other "X-Kans" are debated; it gets quite nasty.

I can't speak for Patrick, but I think the virtual world of the web is larger even than the real world itself; making sense of all the he-said-she-said for the discerning person hasn't really become much easier, by my estimation. Anyone can say anything on a chat board or on a web page. Taking the time to travel and investigate is beyond the means (and probably the desires) of most, though most likely still quite necessary.

I hope you are well.


Apparently Mr. Corona was wearing his tinfoil hat when the mothership failed to suck knowledge out of his brain :rolleyes:
Apparently Mr. Corona was wearing his tinfoil hat when the mothership failed to suck knowledge out of his brain :rolleyes:
I have had my scalp surgically lined with a tin foil implant for just that reason. I am always safe from such motherships and still sport my stylish coif.

I have had my scalp surgically lined with a tin foil implant for just that reason. I am always safe from such motherships and still sport my stylish coif.


The KKW is sending out spy ships now?!?!? Great!!! That means my dojang is next. Foil hats for everyone!!

Back on topic.

Everything I have read so far about KJN Corona has been positive, except of course on the WHRDA website. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to train with him if given the chance.
I'd never heard of Ken Corona before this thread, but after looking at his website, he seems to be a guy who just wants to teach his art. After spending a great deal of time learning his art, along with a great deal of money he has the right to do that. I think that it's appauling that anyone would want to take away his rank or his standing in the art for any reason. You can't take away knowledge and skill. It reminds me of Stalin in Russia, who would not just kill people, but also erase any record of them, including taking their image away in photos. It's damnright insidious.

I was very interested, years ago to learn Hwarangdo after being inspired by some of Mr DeAlba's videos. I was, however living in Ireland at the time and there was no Hwarangdo school to train in. I began training in Sin Moo Hapkido instead and I'm glad I did.

I live just 20 minutes away from World Hwarangdo Headquarters and it seems (by watching utube) that these guys are excellent martial artists. It's just a shame that students have to put up with cult like politics. It's the politics that ruins it for me.

Once again thanks to Mr DeAlba for inspiring my first venture into KMA.
By the way, if I was Ken Corona and was reduced to white belt, after being a high ranked black belt, I would sue Joo Bang Lee for all the testing fees I'd paid him over the years. Even if I didn't win, it would send a message. Can you imagine a college taking away an earned and bought for degree because of a dispute with the dean, it's ridiculous.
It's not uncommon for a martial arts organization to stop recognizing your rank once you stop paying their annual membership fees. It's also not uncommon for them to go back and edit you out of years worth of historical archives, minimize your participation, or eliminate it all together, especially when the parting is sour. I know of 1 that listed all of his peers as "retired" and who had others removed from years of accumulated history, all to make his own star shine that much more. So, it happens.
Now that said, I must get "Official".
MartialTalk has a fraud busting policy. I suggest it be read.
It'll save our staff from having to ban anyone later I hope.
Now that said, I must get "Official".
MartialTalk has a fraud busting policy. I suggest it be read.
It'll save our staff from having to ban anyone later I hope.
Sorry Bob, i'd forgotten about that. I sometimes just write what's on my mind at the moment and at the time I'm not even aware of the rules. I'm just sick of politics in general. I think we should we should all be able to train, teach and learn without restraints.
Sorry Bob, i'd forgotten about that. I sometimes just write what's on my mind at the moment and at the time I'm not even aware of the rules. I'm just sick of politics in general. I think we should we should all be able to train, teach and learn without restraints.

Don't think that was aimed at you Dom...on the prior page there is a guy that joined martial talk presumably for the purpose of resurrecting a 3 year old thread and calling Mr. Corona a fraud. :troll:
Sorry Bob, i'd forgotten about that. I sometimes just write what's on my mind at the moment and at the time I'm not even aware of the rules. I'm just sick of politics in general. I think we should we should all be able to train, teach and learn without restraints.
Not aimed at anyone in particular, just a reminder to all that this isn't the site for fraud busting. We've got no problem with people being curious, seeking clarification, etc. :)