Could you please talk some more about the A.O.D. drills and how and why you use them? How many are there? What do they lead to (I think in an earlier post you wrote that they were 'just the beginning')?
Have you had the opportunity to see Bob Orlando's Reflex Action DVDs or the late Terry Gibson's six volume set on Silat? They both have drills that look identical/very similar to the *limited* number of A.O.D. drills that I've seen. If you have seen them are their concepts similar to those that the A.O.D. drills are meant to relay? If not or you have not seen those sources could you talk at length as to what concepts they do teach. It always interests me to see the similarities that Kenpo and the Chin/Indo arts share.
A.O.D. stands for Anticipated Offensive Drills. When moved from the drill to the application stage they become A.O. “techniques.”
Taught and utilized properly, they form a bridge of knowledge and applications between traditional forms, and sets to the self defense technique applications.
When the lessons that are learned are transferred to traditional “self defense techniques,” they raise the level of effectiveness and execution to an advanced degree.
One of the reasons in motion based kenpo most teach a “move first” philosophy is because the material does not have functional knowledge in its curriculum for anything else.
Unfortunately the “move first” edict, while acceptable on one level when someone punches or kicks, omits all the knowledge mechanisms necessary when that opportunity is absent. Thus, the reason why there are no grappling or hands on understandings inherent in the commercial system.
A.O.T.'s are practiced as A.O.D.’s and are mechanism learned for the expressed purposes of defending against, by word or actions, “announced” attacks. They are designed to teach effective mechanisms and timings in all aspects of the defense sciences, offensively and defensively. They are specifically created to bring swift conclusions to an anticipated assault, without resorting to the tradition self defense technique, which are designed for “surprise” assaults.
There are more A.O.’s than there are “Traditional Techniques.” I do not look at videos.
Offensive and defensive BAM's (Body Alignment Mechanisms), PAM's (Platform Alignment Mechanisms), misalignment, muscle re-assignment, nerve cavity presentation, PMD (Physical Mental Disassociation), etc. and a host of things that without studying the art would be difficult to comprehend the applications of, and "why" we don't do or watch instructional video.