Here is a review of those seminars that took place at The Defense Institute this past weekend:
Seminar #1: 1-2-3 HIT 10am-2pm
This seminar was geared for non-martial artists to learn practical street self-defense. 24 people attended this seminar and Professor David James focused it on his 10 Commandments of self-defense. Much of the focus was on what a real street attack looks like and how the attendees could use the Commandments to incapacitate an attacker and allow them to leave the scene. Professor worked the material both in open mat area and against the wall so the people could see how the same concepts and simple techniques could be used in any street situation.
Seminar #2: Vee-Arnis-Jujitsu 2pm-5pm
Professor geared this seminar towards the martial artist. 30 people from all different types of training attended the seminar which focused on Vee-Jitsu's flow locking aspect. He began every drill with the first two moves being the same and built a series of locks that gave the attendees various options as to how to finish or control an attacker, depending on the situation. Martial artists, NHB fighters, and police officers enjoyed all aspects as Professor taught them how to "be generous with the pain."
Note: A money back guarantee was offered to everyone who signed up for either seminar and no one took advantage of that opportunity. The attendees also demanded that Professor David James come back soon and they all promised to return with friends to the next one he held here in Colorado. The Defense Institute hopes to host Professor James again in December of 2003.
The annual Defense Institute's Awards banquet was held later that evening and was also a huge success. Over 70 members with their family and friends turned out to honor those who were promoted in the VAJ system and cheer their fellow "Students of the Year" in each of the programs The Defense Institute has to offer. An overall "Member of the Year" was also named to honor an individual whose effort both on and off the mat is an inspiration to all. Professor David James was also honored with an award for keeping the spirit of Professor Vee alive and well. The award also went on to read how his energy and leadership is an inspiration to all of us at The Defense Institute.
Promotions in the Vee-Arnis-Jitsu system:
Yellow: Rich Peck, Bill Puryear, Anthony Gilliard, Stacy Nixon, Chris Corbett, Jim Cassio, Micah Dolcort-Silver, Chris Hertzler, Jennifer Lewis, Chris Burns, and Steven Fuqua.
Yellow Senior: Christine Gardner, Fabian Salido, and Marc Wulfkuhle.
Red: Jason Hall and Troy Bauer.
Red Senior: LaDarius Parrish and Beth Peura.
V Body Student of the Year: Lauren Vernola
Kickboxing/NHB Competitor of the Year: Rob Graff
Vee-Arnis-Jitsu Practitioner of the Year: LaDarius Parrish
Adult Member of the Year: Bill Puryear
Thank You everyone who made last week such an overwhelming success.
Sensei John Petrone (VAJ BB#19)
Sensei Eric LaLone (VAJ BB#37)
Also, there are still tickets left and time to reserve your spot at the Keepers of the Torch Ceremony. Information on how to make it to this special event can be found